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Posts posted by HAOLE

  1. Case being presented to the grand jury, at any rate. The shooting took place inside a car parked behind a store in a hinky area...probably more to it than the article has down.


    That is what I thought

  2. That is the chance you take being a crook.

    Victim kills robber on North Side, police say

    Sunday, July 25, 2010 10:58 AM


    Columbus police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man on the North Side early this morning.


    Shawn Mitchell, 23, was found shot in a parking lot at the rear of 6121 Zumstein Dr. He died at the scene.


    Police said Mitchell was trying to rob a person in a parked car and was shot by that person. Police would not name the shooter but said evidence in the case would be given to a grand jury.


    Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call detectives at 614-645-4730.

  3. So this impacts 12 of the 1000's of people on this site (which scaled to a bigger size would be close to the overall impact to Americans). Of the 12 only 5 complain but 25 are involved in the bitching session. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are not one of them but your brothers sisters cousin is so thats why you felt the need to reply to me.


    I guess with the money they save by hiring illegal immigrants and out-sourcing overseas the bigger companies kinda break even...


    I dont know about you but I have never encountered a situation where a poor person created jobs. This whole "have and have not mentality" needs to stop. Life is not fair, but if you cant make it in the USA, you have other motivational issues. The people in higher incomes should have certain tax advantages this is what drives them to achieve more and grow business creating more jobs.

  4. name another profession that has seen steady pay cuts every single year since the 80's


    Dont you see you greedy doctors make too much. so what you have to live in fear of being sued, being put in jail for a mistake in your billing department, have a state board that breathes down you neck. :rolleyes:

  5. Except he isn't black. He is half black, just like he is half white. Calling him black is white america's way of convincing themselves they aren't racist while mainting the thought process of "you are still one of them."


    It's sad that the whole race thing is brought up whenever you hear about him. I couldn't care less whether is he black, yellow, peach, brown, or puple, as long as he does what needs done.


    I am sure he never uses the half black thing to his advantage. I can see it now. " Now all you people of color, remember I am half white."

  6. fuck him. he's taken tons, and tons of my hard-earned money and given it to all the lazy freeloaders in this country---all the while telling me (right to my face) that he's working to make sure i earn less money, and work harder to earn less money. he's started the decline of health care as we know it. as far as i'm concerned he might be a terrorist planted in this country to purposely fuck it up---and all the morons voted him in because it was the 'cool' thing to do.


    Just wait till Jan 1st, it will get worse. The Bush tax cuts expire and he wont renew them.

  7. I think everyone expected too much, too fast from him for his term to even have a chance with a lot of people. Most expected the economy, health care and employment all to go from shit to perfect all within his first few months.

    He has done exactly what he said he would do. The problem is most people did not listen to the words he used they were just too star struck.


    I know a chiropractor that went to Punahou with him. According to the guy I know he was a Marxist in HS. Nothing has changed.

  8. People like you are the problem with this country. Not everything is a fucking race issue, and not everything HAS to be a race issue.


    I agree with that. The sad thing is there are many on both sides of the race that perpetuate ignorance.


    The saddest part of Obamas presidency is he has killed the chance for another black man/woman to be president for at least a generation. There are many ignorant people who will think " we tried a black person once, and we got a socialist. No way am I voting for _______."


    Sad but true.

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