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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I am just calling a spade a spade.
  2. Self esteem is good, but your taking it to far. You think you are smarter than you are. I think you paid attention to the instructor fill you full of brain washing that corrupt your ability to think out side of the guidelines. Seriously, most MD's are so "cook book" you guys will be replaced by a kiosk at Walmart in our lifetime. God forbid you actually you common sense when it comes to wellness. BTW how in the world is getting a colonoscopy preventative. If you do a colonoscopy and you find something, you did not prevent anything. More misleading BS from the AMA. Do you really think that they give our licenses out with a box of corn flakes? I took National Boards part I, II, III, IV, Pt, competency boards I,II plus a state board test. Every one of those test are major ball busters. Out of the same text books you used in school. Each section exam 8 hours to complete. My scores were well above average. Too scared to look at the research from places like the University of Kansas?
  3. Every post you make you show your bias and substandard understanding of basic human function. Some people will automatically assume you know what you are talking about because you have an MD degree, but those of us who know better just laugh at people like you. I have copies of the papers on my hard drive. I will e-mail them to you but I am not going to post dozens of pages of text here.
  4. You have no clue what you are talking about. Cholesterol is one of the easiest things to take care of as long as the patient is motivated. If someone is not willing help them self I cant help them. On top of that cholesterol treatment is on of the biggest hoaxes of the medical profession. Lower the numbers to make more people dependent on you. lol Great job security.
  5. That would take up too much space here. What is your e-mail address?
  6. Everyone of the DO's in Mt. Vernon manipulate, including the ones in the hospital ER that refer patients to my office. No. That would contradict what I stand for. I have principals unlike you. "First do no harm"- "Here is presciption, hope it does not kill you like baycol" A treatment that is "recognized" has more to do with politics and Ben Franklin. The US many times is last to get a "new" treatment while the rest of the world benefits, because the FDA drags its feet. Medical treatment are set up to make the hospitals, device manufactures, and pharmaceutical companies money. You just happen to be low man on the pole. Laser has been used successfully for over 30 years in Europe and Asia. Fixed! On a side note. Your posts make my eyes bleed. For a guy that spent well over 100K on education, I figured you would have learned how to use some sort of punctuation. I am not perfect, but you need to use the shift, comma, and period button a little more.
  7. Well in your last post you eluded to "those people calling themselves doctors too. I smell contradiction Only in your head and a minority of other misinformed or politically motivated people. Seems like the MD's must like what we do. Courses are now being taught in many medical school to "teach manipulation" Your right.... that is why I call my self a chiropractor. I would feel dirty if someone called me a physician. Kind of like being called a whore.
  8. So would you not consider a psychologist a doctor?
  9. A typical four-year chiropractic college program may consist of the following: * First year o Chiropractic procedures o Clinical applied chiropractic o Functional anatomy and biomechanics o Fundamentals of nutrition o General anatomy o Histology o Human biomechanics o Human physiology o Introduction to physical examination skills o Neuroscience o Normal radiological anatomy o Palpation * Second year o Chiropractic principles o Chiropractic procedures o Clinical applied chiropractic o Clinical microbiology o Clinical nutrition o Clinical orthopedics and neurology o Community health o Differential diagnosis o Imaging interpretation o Jurisprudence o Nutritional assessment o Pathology o Pharmacotoxicology o Physics and clinical imaging o Physiological therapeutics o Practice management o Research methods * Third year o Chiropractic principles o Clinical application of manual procedures o Clinical internship o Clinical laboratory clerkship o Clinical psychology o Dermatology o Differential diagnosis o Geriatrics o Imaging interpretation o Integrated chiropractic clinical application o Jurisprudence o Obstetrics and gynecology o Pediatrics o Physiological therapeutics o Practice management o Radiological position and technique * Fourth year o Clinical internship of approximately 1,000 hours http://www.amerchiro.org/userImages/Image/ed_comparison.jpg
  10. Only someone who has gay tendencies would spend $275 on jeans.
  11. The federal government, the state, and sallie mae say so.
  12. I smell trailer park in this thread.
  13. ummm..... we sold all our stuff this year in a yard sale!!!
  14. I could not be paid enough to be a dentist. NO WAY! Some peoples idea of dental hygiene is messed up. http://www.dental-health-index.com/images/caries1.jpg
  15. My recommendation is not to get married. Invest all money you would have spent on a wife, profit
  16. You would be surprised how many people do that. I bet I get 3 of those per month. I get them out of my office fast! With some people no matter what you do it will never be good enough for them. Generally, medicaid patients are the worst about this, we accept medicaid anymore.
  17. Do you self a favor, don't go into a doctors office throwing another doctor under the bus. The new doctor will just want to get you out of the door because people that file law suits and board complaints act like that. All you are accomplishing by doing that is helping lose a doctors interest in helping you. The best way to go about is is to say you were not having good results so you are looking for another opinion.
  18. Idiots!! I have a friend that is a surgical tech in the Navy. They had a guy that wanted to get a section 8. He put three pin ball sized ball bearings up the urethra. They cut them out. 8 weeks later he is back with the same issue.
  19. By chance are you on cholesterol meds?
  20. HAOLE

    220 over 120 bp

    I hope she gets that under control quick. I'll pray for her.
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