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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Best caliber?

    CCW .45acp Home defense 12 ga shot gun Small game: .22lr Medium/large game 25-06
  2. If you had a spondylolithesis, there is a specific way you must be adjusted. I would bet they guy put you on you side to adjust you.
  3. A little more of my handy work... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/beforecs.jpg -5 degree curve. Normal is 31-40 degrees http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/AfterCs.jpg 28 degrees after care. That is a 32 degree change is 5 months.
  4. Brazil could give you a run for your money as far as good looking girls go.
  5. I thank God for you guys every day! I get all the crap you guys screw up, thank you! I guess some one has to help the people after they run through you guys, spend tens of thousands of dollars and are the same, or worse. I will tell you how good the MD's are. I had a lady two weeks ago came in as a new patient. I sent to the ER due to obvious neurological signs of stroke. Slurred speach, + Rombergs, unable to heel/toe walk, loss of coordination, severe headache etc. ER doc says no stroke sends her home and tells her she has a sprained neck (with no recent trauma history) and arthritis. I get a call yesterday, she collapsed the next day at home. Spends the next week in Mt. Carmel. Now has paralysis on her left side. Way to go guys!!!!
  6. When you have a disc injury, they tend to nag at you over the years. Kirk will tell you IDD is bull, but is does work in the vast majority of cases. Unless you have a free floating fragment, or severe spinal stenois, then all bets are off.
  7. Why is it the responsibility of our government to make sure we spend my money to make sure people have DTV? If you cant afford the converter, you should not have TV, you should have a job.
  8. I have a ton more films I can post!!!
  9. No. He stuck his foot in his pie hole and he is trying to back peddle.
  10. dead link...like your brain But I can look up references too. Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis, and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis By Robert Gunzburg, Marek Szpalski http://books.google.com/books?id=BubZFvS0vG0C&pg=PA123&lpg=PA123&dq=dysplastic+spondylolisthesis&source=web&ots=TYixITtSkS&sig=K7js3PF6gsHO4EgUOveITNweE5Y&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=10&ct=result " the exact incidence of dysplastic spondylolithesis is unknown, but this type makes up 14-24% of treated cases" Direct quote. Look into it.
  11. Kirk can you do this in 90 days with out drugs and surgery? I can! Before http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/Beforecorrection.jpg After http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/After.jpg PS, this patient dropped 4 out of 5 meds in 90 days.
  12. You need to stop now. For someone that is a surgeon you are putting your foot into your mouth. You are WRONG, either by ignorance, or stupidity it does not matter. I would expect more from someone that performs surgery. Admitting your problem is the first step.
  13. Kirk, Let be real here the VAST majority of spondylos do not create pain. About 20% of the spondylos are dysplastic spondylolisthesis. That is the majority of all the causes. Dont sit here and try to make me out as someone who does not know what I am doing with spines. I guarantee I have seen more spines in my my office that you have. Over 90% of the people that come to my office get better from whatever spine condition they walk in with. Do you have that sucess rate? No! Take your arrogance somewhere else. That is blatanly false and you know it. Sponylos that have slipped do not heal. The treatment is based on managing the spondylo unless it is a high-grade then surgical intervention may be an option. Trust the advice from someone that cant spell CHIROPRACTOR. Just because you made it through med school does not mean you are a good Dr or Gods gift to the rest of us. Remember you have to put your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us and your stool still stinks.
  14. That is generally a congenital separation of the Pars and not a fracture. and when he is done with that he will come to my office and finally get better. I love how people spend 10k on a $500 problem... It is on now Kirk j/k
  15. What kind of fracture? How did you do that?
  16. I was busy today and did not see this thread until now. My first bit of advice is to get rid of the back belt. They will cause you to have more problems in the long term due to a decrease in muscle mass. Go get someone to look at the spine. Structure is important. Here are some before and after. Improper curve/alignment weaken the structual integrity, leading to pain. Before Care-------------------After Care http://www.knoxchiropractic.org/library/apl13.jpg
  17. HAOLE

    RIP: Jimmy Crum

    No one will ever fill a tacky sports coat better than he did.
  18. That is worse than putting a small block chevy in a mustang.
  19. :nopics: Man sounds like you got roughed up. Sorry to hear about that. At least you are still sucking air.
  20. Dont repair cerwin vegas just buy new drivers
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwRISkyV_B8
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