Were you to blind to read my post you quoted? I said my role is to keep them out of there before they need you type of treatment. Do you think that persons' knee pain started just before he rolled into your office? NO. He or she had alot of years of abuse before that. Did you ever think that the person in that x-ray may have had an arch that was giving out 40 years before. If he or she would have seen someone about that arch before all the damage is done, they would no be in that position.
Since you want to load a question. Here is one for you.
You have a 12 year old male child that has asthma on a sucking albuterol like a mad man. Missing 45 days of school per year. Cant lead a normal childhood because he sucks on a inhaler all day. Kid is gaining weight at a frantic pace due to inactivity. Has been to primary doc, and several pulminologist with no help. What do you do?
Or how about this one. Young lady 25 years old. Has chronic heart burn. has limited her diet severly due to the pain that is associated with most foods. Has been on tums, prilosec, pepcid, tagament, zantac etc. Has been scoped and had no ulcer. She is losing sleep at night, taking its toll at work. Been to primary doc and gastroenterologist. Symptom present for 5 years. What do you do?
These are real people in my office. Nothing is helping drug wise and life is not good for either of these people. Since you have told every on here you know what I do, why don't you tell me what I did to help both of these people?
The end result for the 12 year old in no more asthma within two months. He has not touched and inhaler in 8 years. The lady heart burn issues were resolved in 30 days. Both of these case are not rare occurrences in my office.