I never said anything about a career. Shanton also doesn't want a short term person like it seems like he has been dealing with from his post. And without benefits on a job like this is you get hurt they can not only go after him but even the property owner. That is not a good thing for any party. And what someone says and what they do if they were to get hurt are different so don't say that if they got hurt they will take care of it themselves
So you will deposit thousands in your bank account through the year but claim you nade no money the ebtire year and pay zero tax and have no insurance? Sounds like a good plan right there.
This is true but 10hr with no benefits and you pay your own tax etc is not good money sorry. If you want some fast good cash for hard work yes this would be great as a long term job not so much. This is why people probably do it make some whick side cash and move on
You will be hard pressed to find someone who will work 10+ hours a day at a fast rate and only have 1 day off smack in the middle of the week and I didn't see anything mentioned about benefits? It's tough when someone with experience can go to a major company and get benefits 401k etc etc and more time off
everclear weak shit yes... Red oak no. According to them no you def can not. You can't even get it in surrounding cities because they self deliver it fresh there is no way it would make it to ohio
I put new plugs in it. The cel light will flash but not all the time. Swapped coils between cyl 4 and 3 and the code did not follow. Like I said I ahve other things going on right now and dont wish to try and fix this issue. My loss could be your gain. Ileave tonight for N.C But will post more pics when I return or I can send them to your phone if anyone wishes. My number is (614) 735-9361