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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. STEVE-O

    New but not

    holding rep until I see his resonse.... you better change it before my jimmy johns gets here
  2. I remeber finding a article on someone asking if there was any issues with the heating or air and guess what now I can not get any heat to blow through the vents on any settings... This is a good sign there is a vac problem somewhere else in the system for the 4wd and heat correct??? I think that is what I remeber reading??? rob sorry i did not get a hold of you been super busy but If I can not track this down I will def be giving you a call
  3. para... I have shot and dad owns a para pda 45 ( his cc) a p12, p13, p14 and p14 double action 45... I like them all... the pda or the p12 I would say are the ones you would want to use for a 45 conceal though others are to big.. But I think para also makes a 9mm that is jsut about the size of the pda 45
  4. Thats all i needed thanks lol gl with the trade
  5. I know you said you were leaning twords a four door but what about a z28 camaro?
  6. take a torch to it then hit it with a hammer a couple times then it should get the idea you dont want it on there anymore...'' in all seriousness like others said it should just screw on and off
  7. I really like the opel idea but I think a car like that would be to hard to find any kind of parts for when the little things break.. I was thinking about the m3 but I did not want to look into it because even a shell of one of those ahs to be a pretty penny.. The c5 is not at all what i am going for. I want a project not something that came with a v8 and something everyone else has already... but you guys do got some great ideas going I just dont think I can see myself doing that to a wagon though...
  8. Was looking around and was wondering if you were to legitimately build a rwd project car wha would you look for?? I wanted something a little different but did not want to go to far off.. I was looking into either something like a 122s or along the lines of a fc,240sx etc... to give you the ends of the spectrum i am thinking of. So if you were going to do one what kind of car would you do???
  9. got the battery tray out and found the vac line that was suppossed to go to the vacuum actuator had been plugged with a bolt and not attatched.. unplugged it and reattatched it to the actuator. Still nothing more at this point but i know I did have vac on the line after i took the bolt out and put it where it belongs.. I do notice that when going from 4low to 2 or 4high the lights will blink while the 4low stays lit.. next step is I am going to put it into 4low and see if i can turn the front shaft while it is in park
  10. do you know where the one to the motor connects??? isit to the manifold?? i think that is the one that came off but i can not find a good diagram to show where the other side attatches to the motor to try and see if it is still in tact there
  11. i will pm you the number of our interior guy here and see what he can do for you..
  12. well it has been ahrd to get a diagram of the vac system to see where the line is supposed to go but i know there is the cable attatched to the bottom of the diafram and on the top of that thereis a nipple where i guess the vac hose is supposed to go but nothing it on it and I can not see the line like laying anywhere so i dont know if it came off and fell or if it fell off and is gone forever lol if i cant find it out i might just drop it off to rob this weekend and take the camaro out to athens insted.
  13. BINGO there is no line going to the diafram. i guess it must ahve fell off or something so now after work i will take the battery out and see if I can track this sucker down...
  14. nice i call you guys all the time for my bmw/mini parts etc.. I hope its not toby i always seem to get him on the phone and he is real good and nice to work with
  15. damn it seems the more i read up on this the more common this problem is but there are a few ways people have fixed it so i am kinda at a loss right now... it seems like the people who ahve the lights etc and still no 4wd have had vac problems so i guess when i leave work today that will be the firstthing i check out
  16. now that I ahve talked with one of the other techs here I am leaning twords the vac line that runs by the battery.. anyone have experience with these and what is a good test to check that line???
  17. well i just picked up the car and the 4wd doesnt work now. The lights come on and I here it click but it does not engauge. yes I put it in park and in neutral and still nothing in 4 wheel low or high. I tapped on the transfercase motor/actuator to see if it would engauge and still got nothing.. any ideas??? I know this is a common problem with them and the jimmy but I dont know a whole lot about 4 wheel...
  18. i wish they would make a old school buick or something like that... Dont know why but I would rock a 56 buick all day long if it was built by them esp. Or a datsun 240z from factory five would be sweet
  19. it was me. glad I could help you out.
  20. PARA PDA is what my dad carries its nice a little bit of a hand full but come on now it is a 45 so you got to expect that
  21. put hand on gun. if they come close enough for you to see they are not unarmed take them down. if they are armed pull waepn and fire at your discretion
  22. sorry ya i looked for a second and they are out of the stock ones at this time... worse part is you could call gm but the crash book does not show the pully seperate from the blower so I dont know if you can order one through a dealer or not
  23. if you need to you can order one from zzperformance...
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