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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. I would love to see what manner you think a 16 year old could not access your fire arm if they really intended to. Also any fire arm your going to secure like Fort Knox yet again will not grant you access to such weapon in a time of need for defense Locked up firearms hidden deep in the basement unloaded is not going to help you when someone kicks in your front door
  2. Do you have Zach Pusnik number form Carmax ? He used to talk about buying them and fixing them and was tossing around the idea to eventually start a landscape business I believe but he might have one or k ow where you could get one
  3. But that ever happen right? Better lock up your alchohol as well don’t forget that Shit tide is now making commercials about keeping your laundry detergent away from your toddler because we can’t parent children anymore I fully now understand why Walmart locks up Condoms because kids are snorting those now as well We are doomed as humanity
  4. Not saying you should not lock up your firearms but yet again at age 14 (youngest one I have read about shooting a classmate) I’m sure they have figured out how to use a key by their teenage years to unlock a safe or anything else Also if you don’t think people who want to commit a crime won’t find a way for violence look at the stabbing incidents in the U.K That’s like also saying if your kid takes your car and hits someone it’s your fault for letting them have access to a car. A vehicle is a aged privilege just like a firearm
  5. So wait here just back peddle this on up, are you trying to say since this kid took his parents gun that it’s the parents fault now? Would it also be their fault of the kid took the steak knife from your block and stabbed a bunch of people? I grew up in a house where multiple firearms were easily accessible to me at any given time but I was raised to not be a dumbass
  6. Glad you did well, next time bring more haha can’t wait to try everyone said it was great and if you did or can add wings to the menu whennyou come again they will sell everyone you got
  7. If he really wanted to the he absolutely would have found another way, them being in the House was just his easy way. Again drugs are illegal but you can still find and buy them if you really want to. Nothing is going to stop someone who wants to get their hands on illegal items. I like many other will willing admit I drank under age, and that didn’t mean my only source was the beer in my fridge at home
  8. Completely different setup
  9. Cam phasers and timing chains and spark plugs breaking off into the heads / thread
  10. I never said I would go with a iPad either Any amount of sunlight that touches a surface pro kills the screen you can’t see anything to save your life, and the mighty detachable keyboard randomly cuts out and feels like your typing on cardboard And our surface pros also my favorite feature it probably has will decide to randomly shit down and restart whenever it pleases to do so... and no it is not corrupt causing this issue it has had fresh installs updates the works they still do it doesn’t matter Almost everyone has gone out and bought a chrome book because they hate the surface pro we use
  11. I use a surface pro every day and I would not recommend it for what you will be doing. Screen glare and resolution are not great and the detachable keyboard is boardeine useless
  12. $2500 For motor trans and the shit box? A t56 is not cheap and for a budget the 5.3/4.8 will be the cheapest ls based motor you will find
  13. STEVE-O

    New member

    Did someone say steak?
  14. wetsand, reclear entire car then wetsand buff and detail lol
  15. STEVE-O

    08 CTS

    No cel or anything ?
  16. Rather that short term pain then have a belt chew through a silicone intake hose haha
  17. I like those inlets much better than going behind the engine and in front of the belts and fan shroud
  18. New link same info bump https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/rare-2013-mev-exomotive-exocet/6584003179.html
  19. Looks like people are coming down a little I posted on cl now $300 each will separate
  20. $325 each for CR obo before they go to CL
  21. That is what I believe is to what happened, the original guy told me if running a truck alt with ls1 water pump that is what I needed, I feel like the bracket is only for truck accessories so I ordered the other bracket that hopefully will be correct, but All 4 jegs carries say truck style
  22. the back plastic case from one that has a vent style I removed but didn’t sit right, the other case could stay it was low slimmer profile but fit the same way on the bracket setup, both use 2 mounting bolts through the front. I’m hoping this new bracket I ordered will solve the problem it’s $100 more but I just need whatever will work don’t really care about the price. It’s being dropped shipped so should be here by Wednesday and we shall see. If this new bracket doesn’t work back to square one and continue to search I suppose.
  23. Does not , so I ordered one that said ls1 water pump and 105amp alternator but didn’t say anything about power steering pump , So I decided to order the one that says ls1 water and power steering pump from jegs now to see if that works. First bracket I ordered was 551587-3 and now I ordered 551498-3 hopefully some combination of these parts works. Can’t believe it is that hard honestly
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