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Posts posted by Supplicium

  1. Almost every financial adviser is going to be against this type of thing for a whole slew of reasons. It's unregulated, not dependent on a tangible resource, extremely volatile to the point of 30%+ swings per day, also this is designed to get people AWAY from the fees/charges of the established monetary system. One reason many of the big banks will deny charges/transfers for buying coins.


    On that note, a friend of mine trying to get into the market yesterday banks with Chase. He used a Chase debit card to try and make a $500 purchase from Coinbase once their system came back online. Chase flagged the purchase of fraudulent and refused to approve the transaction. He linked his checking account to the account and tried to make a purchase but it seems to be denied as well. Who do the rest of you bank with thats a States side bank that is friendly to the Bitcoin purchasing process. He's nervous about banking Offshore at this point


    Schwab works flawless for me

  2. What are the tax implications of doing it through a brokerage? Part of the appeal of BitCoin or any other online currency is it's essentially a "hidden income" until such time as it's converted into US currency and moved "on shore"


    its taxable income if in a taxable brokerage account. In a Roth IRA it would be exempt.

  3. I had a buddy just pass away within the year of an H overdose. He lived with a good friend of mine from college. Its been almost a year since his death and it came out that prior to his death he was narcan'd 5 times. His roommate didnt even know he had been narcanned. He was able to basically OD 5 times and continue to go to work and what not without his roommate knowing.


    Next point about the take the addict out of his environment. It my help some but in the case of my cousin he was able to find other shitheads like him in the Marines, San Diego, NC, Prison, Jail, any city he was in he fell into and found other people like him.

  4. I'm satisfied with my bitcoin and ethereum returns. I got in on ethereum when it was 10 bucks in 2016.


    I have some dollars in some alt coins such as neo and have my eye on a few upcoming tokens ;)


    Crypto currencies are no more valuable than the US dollar. It's just another fiat currency. However, I think there is an opportunity to make some money. Like DOC said, treat it like you will lose every cent.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


    How is bitcoin a fiat currency when not one government on this planet backs it :confused:


    Bitcoin and "dollars" are common in the sense they have no intrinsic value but thats it.

  5. I don't fault anyone for utilizing legal loopholes either. I do it. I also don't fault the "rich" for potentially paying less. If it's legal, then do it. I guess where my "issue" would come in if I had one, is why investment income taxed at a lower rate. Any issues with taxation I think should be with the government and the law, not the people who use the law to legally pay less taxes (percentage wise I mean).


    Its taxed at a lower rate because as the investor you are taking all the risk. No FDIC insurance or guarantee to make money. But as soon as you make a profit uncle sam gets his cut. He doesnt share in the losses so the benefit to the investor is he gets taxed less for taking all the risk.


    Plus the money you have to invest with has already been taxed through payroll.

  6. Jimmy pays 15% income tax

    Bob pays 39.6% income tax

    Bob paid 198k in income tax

    Jimmy paid 4500 in income tax

    Jimmy got 15$ for donating 100$

    Bob got $39 for donating 100$

    I dont see the problem, people just look at the 39$ and think the rich get richer.

  7. Before you call a pro try:

    Turn off your air conditioner.

    Let your air conditioner defrost.

    Change your air filter.

    Open up all the air registers in your home.

    Make sure none of your furniture or drapes are blocking return vents.


    not sure if it actually helps but after I did that I powerwashed the unit

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