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Posts posted by Supplicium

  1. Its much simpler for the central ohio market. We are going to take on ~750k new residents over the next 10 years. Our new builds/housing starts trend is extremely lacking the demand in the area. This is due to minimal land available, expensive. Every single trade involved in building a house has risen their prices extremely high because, there is a lack of skill labor. Without the land and a skilled workforce you cant pump out thousands of houses like we did in the 90s. Lack of supply and high demand = supply gets a premium regardless if it is really warranted.


    To give some context in the 90's the largest home builder built 1200 homes a year here. As a whole there was 12,000+ starts. Last year that builder built 450, this year 600.


    I recommend Ted Jones his twitter feed is great. I go to his meeting every year about ohio's economic forecast, he is very real and insightful.



    Twitter: @drtcj

  2. I would NEVER use leaders moving. Most unprofessional business I've ever dealt with. Literally cancelled the morning of our move. With no recourse other than "we can try to move you three days later".


    I'd rather move my entire house using a Del sol than "trust" this company.


    very interesting, in the 3 years I worked alongside them I saw nothing like that.

  3. Which is exactly how Calvert got his goal. Not to mention how Rust got his goal as well, dump, turnover created, pass pass goal.


    One glaring mistake made my coaching staff (maybe just Torts) is how and why they started Carlson and Harrington over Quincey and Nutivaara?! Starting a rookie with 4 NHL REGULAR season games under his belt and a guy who's bumped between NHL and AHL all season over a proven, stable veteran Dman in Quincey and while Nutivaara is still a rookie he has a hell of a lot more playing time at the NHL level than the other two.


    Two of those goals were squarely on that defensive pair. After rewatching the first period CBJ had plenty of chances in the first, have to convert on those.


    Harrington straight up tried to block the first goal by going skinny and letting him rip away. He should have stood up wide and got infront of it instead of being scared.

  4. Just because you are mad bro, doesn't make you right. Ok maybe "Literally everything" is a little hyperbolic...how about almost everything they purchase with a very few limited exceptions. There does that satiate your OCD?




    Serious question...do you even know what public assistance programs are? or how they work? or do you just hear welfare and work yourself into a frothy hate boner for people getting free money from your taxes?


    The overwhelming majority of public assistance programs are temporary, not lifetime. That means that things like welfare, WIC, TANF, food stamps, medicaid, and unemployment benefits, etc...you can only get for a limited time and with limited exceptions. And that is provided you meet the qualifications, which many do not. Only about 27% of eligible people actually receive public assistance (Welfare's End, Gwendolyn Mink - Cornell University press) because the system is difficult to navigate and actually structured to dis-incentivize participation in some areas.


    But tell me again how all the poor are getting "free food".


    Dude I get it - you have this notion in your head that everyone is lazy and that's why they are poor and I'm sure it is a good fiction that feeds your ego in some way, but it just isn't based on anything factual. There are 100's of studies over the years that all come to the same conclusion over and over again and even indicate the problem isn't improving. but the only lazy person here is you because you don't take the time to actually know what you are talking about. You've bought someone's line of bullshit and built a castle of conservatism on it.


    welfare dependency is far from temporary. Generations of families have not gotten off it, that system supports dependency to future generations. ~20% of the total population is on Welfare, 25% of those people are considered dependent by official measures.

  5. You'll never get the cig smell out. It's in the hvac vents , headliner etc. I bought a Audi wagon that someone smoked in and the Ozium and coffee grinds. Swapped seats. Nothing worked I got rid of it because I couldn't take it anymore.


    Ive killed it with running a Uvonair ozone generator in the car with the A/C running/recycling an hour or 2 a day for a couple days

  6. That's really helpful, thanks. Curious what the size of the house is?


    While my cheapa$$ recognizes that is a CHUNK of change, a 7-year breakeven is incredible, considering the roof should last another 30+ years after that. Florida is wacky...I remember $300-400/month electric bills just to heat our house in winter (and that was really just to keep the inside around 68-70 when it got down to upper 40s/low 50s at night).


    3,350sqft, heating the pool and spa kills our electric bill, my mom blasts the AC 24/7.. makes solar more attractive. We looked at the water heating systems where you pump the pool water to your roof or w/e they are only about 5k but max temp is like 80.

  7. Going through the process now at my parents place in FL. Solarcity panels and tesla battery wall installed came in at 61k. Rebates and tax credits available atm knocks off 20%. The setup is enough to completely go off the grid while heating the pool to 88 in the "winter". They are selling a 7 year breakeven return analysis. Still gathering info but I think it will soon be worth it.
  8. Just an update, service has been great I always see 250-350Mb/s on my phone, and of course they screwed up the bill and didn't give me my discounts for the $70, called and got it fixed very quickly, my online account reflected the change while on the phone. And they let me know the $70 price is a fixed price for life as long as I stay with AT&T. So they will not up my bill ater the 12 month agreement. We will see if they keep that promise.


    good to hear, Ive had similar scenario and luck. They locked me in at 59.99

  9. For Sale:


    Samsung 61" DLP, has the "stuck white pixel" problem. Has a new bulb just needs the DMD chip replaced and it will be as good as new.





    Also, for sale:


    Basically brand new Samsung 55" ku6300f only has about 10 hours of use. Selling because I won a KS series 55" in a raffle.




    DM me if you have any question.

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