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Everything posted by Bark

  1. Alex, I may have to meet you up there. I need to figure out what to do with my dog for the day. I might drop him off at my parents up in cleveland the night before and leave from there in the morning.
  2. That midget creep-ed me the hell out. All I could think of was Brian Peppers.
  3. That thing was hauling, would like to see what she can do when you open her up
  4. Yeah that was me. Like Alex was saying I was only getting about 8psi off the two-step at launch causing it to bog hard with the bigger slicks. I even had the slicks hooking while rolling out from a burnout causing me to stall, lol. I wish I would have had more time to play with the launch but I developed a vacuum leak that we think we narrowed down to the intake manifold gakset (thanks Alex). For those of you that heard my car in the pits free revving to 3k rpms, that wasn't me being a tard. Looks like I'll be pulling the intake mani in the morning to check it out. I also want to thank Doc too for providing lunch, much appreciated.
  5. I was wondering if anyone was using these? I was looking at them and wondering if they are any good. If anyone is using these would you mind if I came and took a look at them?
  6. Bark


    ding ding ding!!! winner on a serious note, glad you figured the problem out. Should sell quick now
  7. I'll have to remember for next time. It took me an 1.5hrs to drive a mile down polaris to go to lowes for $50 worth of aluminum bar stock and hardware. Sometimes I hate living around here.
  8. ahhhh, I just went to lowes yesterday before seeing this.
  9. Bark


    How did the rod bearings look when you replaced them? Any signs of the dreaded crank walk?
  10. thanks, I'll check out joanns and the other hobby stores and if they dont have it, hit up partsexpress
  11. Im finishing off my trunk area and I'm looking for some speaker box carpet in black. Im trying to find some locally because Im looking to do this next friday. Anyone know where I can pick up some locally?
  12. LMAO, yeah there you go Steve, check into that one.
  13. Thanks man. Let me know how the car turns out. Thats a pretty sweet set-up you got.
  14. The wideband itself is 5 years old and the sensor is less than a 100 miles old.
  15. The AEM WB is still for sale. It uses the standard AEM/Bosch sensor 30-2001. It works fine. The sensor has less than 100 miles on it. I let a buddy borrow it tot tune for a day while my engine was out and the sensor so theres very little use on the new sensor
  16. I guess it got pretty crazy last night according to the post on supra forums... http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/421201_10150743372577112_75402982111_11425609_1179951236_n.jpg http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff24/turbodragnovice/88c66484.jpg
  17. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/52/Kyle_Moar.jpg
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