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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. hahahaha My lawyer told me after the case that this would soon be implemented. What do you know like a year and 3 weeks later, here it is!!
  2. Im glad you are enjoying it man, your a great client!
  3. Heading to the farm in Mt. Vernon. 168 acres of woods,corn and soy beans!! He just cut everything last week.
  4. Im looking thats a pretty good price. There are better options out there tho!
  5. Yes water intake should be increased to around 1.5-2 gallons a day pending on your bodyweight.
  6. Thanks guys! Ramsey came to me 2 weeks ago stuck at 275. He asked me to come 11-16-09 and work on his form. That night i had him double 300, just switching up his form and giving him some pointers on the transition the arm goes through during the motion. This past monday he reached his goal, now i am currently working on a program to help him reach his second goal. I can help with just about anything. lmao.... thanks hal, yes i have been around this sport for a LONG time. Im chasing my own goal as well. A 500lb raw bench at 170lbs, i am at 445-455 right now at 170lbs. No my squat isnt weak and neither is my DL. PS: Did he pay up on the bet kris?
  7. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats LOW man, real low!
  8. Yes, there are alot of different ways it can be taken. Some say in the morning, some before a workout and some after the workout. The people who say after a workout that it aids in recovery only use it on the days they train. I, think the most beneficial way to take it is before. Take 5 Grams, 30-45min before your wourkout. I do however take 10 grams a day, 5 pre and 5 post.
  9. LMAO!! Creatine on paper isnt really ment to increase strength. What it does do is help replace ATP at a faster rate. The more creatine is availaible to the body, the more faster body can produce ATP molecules, so that more and more energy is availaible for the muscle contractions. This is how creatine acts as a great energy source for short bursts of exercise such as sprinting, bodybuilding and other athletic activities. Now that being said the faster it replenishes, the more endurance you are going to have. The slower you will fatigue during your workout. Now if you can push one or two more reps taking creatine as opposed to when you were not taking creatine. You are going to build more strength, it will also aid in explosion during a 1 rep max. Here is a little write up on why you feel bloated on creatine. Since creatine is an osmotically active compound, it draws water into the cells where creatine is stored. Thus the body moves water inside the muscle cells, increasing cell volume and giving your muscles that postworkout pumped look. This increase in cell volume may help stimulate muscle growth over time when combined with strength training,
  10. Now remember guys, supplements are just supplements and should be used as such. Nothing beats REAL FOOD!!! I would stick to 1-2 shakes a day, one being post workout. CYCLE STIMULANTS, i cannot stress this enough. I have seen way to many people have thyroid problems from prolong usage of stimulants in fat burners and pre workouts. Nothing beats the old staples. Protein Creatine multi fish-oil extra vit C
  11. trueprotein.com Buzz saw cold filtered whey isolate I am not affiliated with said company, just spreading the deals!
  12. There are better options out there. 1/3 dimethyl + caffiene + low carb diet and intense training. Get your own, i wouldnt touch ephedra. I was just saying it is not illegal in all states.
  13. The stuff you get is no better than the stuff i get. There are only a few companies who produce mass amounts of whey powder. It all starts out the same, how the other companies formulate it after that is up to them. I get it from the companies who produce the actual raw material. Or The online store where they sell their product in bulk to the public.
  14. Just seeing what everyone uses and if i can help find some better prices for you!
  15. Best turbo you can buy for price, quality and power!
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