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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. http://s826.photobucket.com/albums/zz189/Powerlifting57/ Sorry not posting my face...Im bloated as fuck in this picture. ( middle of bulking, going to 230 and cutting back) The back picture is pulling my scapula together its alot wider not pulled back. 21 5'6 189.6lbs
  2. I am no where near that weight yet, i am about 40lbs off i should be there by next summer. I will try and get some pics up soon......
  3. Sam im not getting into this with you.....people have their own opinions on what body type they like. I personally want to be 220-230lbs.... I had a job lined up at urban active, i was taking two trainers positions. Well i go through the interveiw process and come to find they do not accept my cert. I paid ALOT of money for my certification and do not want to take the ISSA because urban has a contract with them...
  4. I have been told that alot of clients do not want someone who looks like a bodybuilder. It is intimidating and alot of elderly people and females do not like to be trained by people with actual size. This to me is discrimination, its my body that is the way i choose to look. I will not train you as a bodybuilder/powerlifter unless otherwise told. I know all you want to do is loose some weight, tone up your arms,midsection, your inner thighs and lift your butt.
  5. MMMM banshees....ok that is a different kind of 4 wheeler where you can use its insane power to manuever it around. They really do not make a 4 wheeler like that anymore.... SAD WORLD WE LIVE IN.
  6. Its kind of like being at a hole in the wall gym...most of the things said inside would not be taken as humor outside....
  7. 4 wheelers are boring, and suck in tight wooded areas.
  8. LMAO.... Ya im at that point of im just going to go independent.
  9. So i just finished up my 6 mos course to be a personal trainer. This is not your typical buy a course off line. Study it at home, go to a location and take the test. This is go to school for 8 hours a day for 6 mos. I have more knowledge than everyone of the trainers at my job and the other gym i train at yet i can not find a job to save my life. No i have no experience working at a gym as a personal trainer. MY BODY IS MY EXPERIENCE YOU DUMB FUCKS. LOOK at me im in better shape, bigger and stronger than everyone of your trainers. Its funny when your trainers are aking me for pointers and what they should do or if one of their clients is stuck and they have no idea what to do....who do they come to?? ME!! I am so fed up with everyone wanting my help yet noone will give me a job. end rant...
  10. I am looking for a 2005+ full size truck with around 20-30K miles. I would prefer a ram or f-150. Show me what you have....
  11. Thanks Brian, i will be awaiting a phone call!
  12. damn i was just about to post that video....
  13. http://s826.photobucket.com/albums/zz189/Powerlifting57/?albumview=slideshow http://s826.photobucket.com/albums/zz189/Powerlifting57/?albumview=slideshow Shitty cell phone pics....
  14. Running out to take pics now... sorry for the delat, had a busy weekend.
  15. dot tires tail light head light license plate mirror Turn signals ( MAYBE)
  16. bump getting pics up today.... sorry for the delay.
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