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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7132/7550512076_c97062cce2_b.jpg
  2. If money is no issue than 600hp can be done. I believe 400-450 is within reach without breaking the bank.
  3. marine scout sniper reporting in.
  4. This, have fun with your being watched under a microscope goals for 2012 and beyond.
  5. Nice, saw the GTR up at busch blvd looks and sounds great man.
  6. That they are, looks like the love child of the fr500 and grand sport wheels.
  7. I know of 1, I don't know of any in columbus.
  8. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/600377_4447666116534_1441819545_n.jpg
  9. I could never get the right amount of books. 5 was to many and 4 wasnt enough, eventually got sick of it and sold it.
  10. Joans need some input on what cruise line to use.
  11. Like its hard?:dumb:
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