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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Please tell me this guy is talking out of his ass? http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=484646
  2. 1 of the many reasons im happy the woman cant have kids. I would hate to bring a child into this world.
  3. The new wheels look 100x better, needs dropped stat.
  4. Are you serious? I hope you find out who it was a beat the living shit out of them. You dont fuck with my dogs, thats a no-no. You can take my things but dont mess with my pets.
  5. When would a sheet metal intake manifold be needed?
  6. Did you announce it anywhere that you would be out of town? Thats a big no-no, also always have a house sitter. Let me know if i can be of assistance in anyway mike. Congrats on the wedding!
  7. I'm looking for the wheels in the picture below, pm me a price if you have a set. http://images.dealercarsearch.com/Media/4099/97289_17.jpg
  8. No she has documentation of alot, including screen shots of them changing clock in times so they dont have to pay over time.
  9. Thanks for the info everyone, i figured she had no case or it would be a hard one to prove. They fuck over every employee, i was just hoping we might be able to do something to help it stop. I told her to find a job and just walk out, theres no 2 weeks at this place. They dont allow you to quit, they fire you if you put your 2 weeks in.
  10. This is what i thought, the General manager likes boys( hes gay). Demoted her and the other female assistant. Hired back the girl they fired a week prior and put her as the assistant. Now the girl is having a hay day making her life a living hell. She dropped her down to part time w/ 15 hours a week from 40+. There's a lot more to it but she pretty much has free reign to make her life a living hell. So do we have 2 complaints?
  11. The woman has been having a rough time at work due to an employee (assistant manager) who has it out for her. She has tried to talk about it with not only the GM, DM but the owner of the company. None of which seem to really give a fuck, they have a revolving door and just hope people go away instead of bringing a fight. Today was the breaking point when they didn't pay her vacation that she was promised. I have talked to several people about the issue including my hr manager and a few attorneys. They all told me to file a complaint about it on the EEOC. Has anyone had to deal with them or can give me some insight into this?
  12. these kids grew up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btwG0E4xke0
  13. Yes, i'm aware and enjoy me some nirvana. To compare nirvana to nickle back is a punch in the face. Kurt Cobain is rolling in his grave right now due to truckins comment.
  14. My brother in law long boards, so yes i have some experience with them. I just don't see the attraction. Paddle boarding is a great form of cardio. I can see it using a lot of core to not only stabilize yourself but using your core to paddle as well.
  15. LOL @ paddle boarding, shit looks boring as hell. Long boarding is boring as well, good luck with your leisure boarding goals in 2012 gabe. Next thing we know you'll have long hair, raggedy ass clothes and smoke a lot of weed all while living in a hut on alum creek thinking you're a beach bum.
  16. Has d wiggs raced it yet?
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