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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. in b4 8 arrested on 71. Good luck with your spending the night in jail goals for 2012.
  2. ol @ this - rep comment 5th July 2012 12:37 PM You are fucking gay you representer of the lollipop guild-Trowa LOL
  3. Everyone on my facebook seems to have taken the day off from weather forecasting.
  4. + rep, wood reed agin. :gabe:
  5. Do you predict another 100 degree day?
  6. True, it would look more like this. uoy rea agy
  7. 2pointslow


    Oh wow, yet another jack ass with a lambo that can't read the stickies before posting.
  8. weather 30th June 2012 10:25 AM you are gay :dumb: Don't you mean you're?
  9. 2pointslow


    Act of god.... LMAO brb going to start selling act of god insurance.
  10. 2pointslow


    I has power, time to go back home.
  11. 2pointslow


    Depends on what side of town. Campus, clintonville, worthington and new albany was great. 161 was terrifying, didn't know if someone was going to hit you or not.
  12. 2pointslow


  13. 2pointslow


    Went grocery shopping thurs, all of that is currently in the trash. DA FUCK..
  14. 2pointslow


    Wanted: All blow up pool balls, floating devices and pool toys. If you see any of them flying around or laying in the near by fields in sunbury let me know. Thanks, Steven
  15. 2pointslow


    Was out in johnstown when it hit, drove back to sunbury in it. Not a single fuck was given, bunch of trees down everywhere.
  16. lol'd at voting, as if it actually means anything.
  17. So i should have to go get a 2nd job to help the people who have no job and are milking the system? People like this breed others who milk the system as well. It will continue to get worse. Fuck them, let them rot and die.
  18. This, Erica will get you set up asap.
  19. becuz it will help dem peoplez who are on dat der welfare. America, come get your free hand outs.
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