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Everything posted by Mr3GTP

  1. Mr3GTP

    New Ride

    Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? :zoom: Yea, I know. It's a boat, but with the right tires and hardware, they can stick fairly well. Not 'sports car' well, but you're starting with a 4,000-pound car. Hell, take the Police Package (swaybars, bigger brakes, etc) and add some killer shocks, tighter springs, drop it a little to bring the center-of-gravity down a bit, they can hold the road decently. You're not gonna take an NSX through the twisties, but a competent driver could make it look pretty good lol.
  2. Don't compare him to trailer trash, please. You might offend them...
  3. Mr3GTP

    New Ride

    Triton V10 swap and a 6-speed! Then, some sticky 16-inchers, a 2" drop, beefy swaybars & poly bushings! Just think, a 'tank' that'll haul ass, and carve some corners too. Oh well, just a thought...
  4. Should say in court "Your Honor, I didn't think he was pacing me; I figured he wanted to race from a roll."
  5. Mr3GTP

    I'm A Noob

    Welcome aboard, from another n00b.
  6. It's called Xoftspy, it scans the whole system in minutes, and seems to find a lot of shit. I've used Adaware and Spybot, and they take a while. This catches more, and works quicker. I like it anyways. Anyone heard of it? Seems like good shit! I scanned this thing just a few days ago, but it looks like I ran into some ugly! Lots of wildtangent stuff, etc. Gotta watch what games the kids are playing... http://img484.imageshack.us/img484/605/scan13107gm4.jpg
  7. I've got the Bridgestone G 009s on the '01 GTP, love 'em! $410 for the set, mounted, road hazard, etc, out the door. Even in the rain, car feels like it's on rails. And I can almost hit boost accelerating on packed snow!
  8. Joe Seeling, his son Cory drives the car.
  9. :werd: EDIT; Good God! That man is deformed!
  10. Oh, I'm sure they're not cheap, and the lack of 'seat of the pants' feel makes driving a challenge (I've owned a few RCs, 2 planes and a few cars), but compared to the cost of, say, a 360 Sprint (over 30 grand), they're a bargain. My boss owns 2 sprint cars; a winged & a non-winged, and that is one costly fucking hobby.I believe they're both 410s. Here's a phone pic of the inside of his Featherlite; the winged car in the foreground, the wingless barely visible behind it. Motors are well over $20k each. http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/5016/picture032io3.jpg
  11. Sweet! Looks like a blast, and no expensive firesuit or helmet!
  12. Mr3GTP

    TT Pinto

    Those front wheels are just for supporting the nose when parked. They probably aren't used much during a pass...
  13. Jack shit for me, $25 for the wife! Good find, it's with the same credit union I use!
  14. I'll bet her farts have an echo!
  15. Mr3GTP

    ie 7.0 issue

    Opera Problem solved.
  16. :nod: :thumbup: Long read, but awesome! That kid got :nutkick:
  17. Probs with Hilly? Anti-gun, bigtime. Socialist, very. Her "Hillarycare" would've been expensive, ineffective, and would have taken away your choice of doctors. Worst, bureaucrats would have had the final say in what was "medically necessary". What the government provides, they can control, or take away entirely. Waaaay too much control in the hands of a bunch of stuffed shirts. And the Libs bitch about government intrusion under Bush....idiots. Lately, has presented herself as more moderate to broaden her appeal, but if you think she's thown out her copy of Das Kapital, you're kidding yourself.
  18. This had to be in a southern area where snow is rare... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL1eh9FbnKw
  19. Man, I'd love to see a photo spread of that car...an underhood shot would be pure sex.
  20. Gotta love the "Power of the Internet"! Thanks guys, as a former soldier in the 1st Cav (1/9 Squadron, to be exact) stationed at Fort Hood, TX.
  21. I like the 'polished lip' look myself, but your car looks badass with all-black. It suits the car well, and the tint you mentioned should be the icing on the cake! Welcome, from another n00b!
  22. Handbrakes FTW! Between that & the throttle, parking lots are a blast in a fwd! Swing the ass around, drop into Reverse, crank the wheel & gas on it, pure playtime!
  23. I already left a "nasty-gram" via their 'contact' page (including my name & Email) telling them they suck. I hope they respond. Hell, should've left my cell #! If I posted this on Offtopic, they'd get spammed out of existence. Hmmm...
  24. Thank God you've got some sense! Welcome aboard.
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