My friend's mom has a newer Accord, the piece of plastic woodgrain trim around the radio/HVAC bezel fell off when it was cold, and there was only double sided tape on the bottom part. OMGZ!!! So all Hondas must be junk! How can they be so lazy.
My dad had a NEW Corolla as a rental car, and he had to shut the trunk like 6 times before it would latch. Wow! So based off one POS rental car, ALL Japanese cars must be shitboxes, right?
Oh, and my dad has bought nothing but GM cars his whole life, every single one of them had over 250k miles when he sold them, original engine/trans/etc never replaced or rebuilt on any of them. So I guess all American cars must be amazing then, right? I mean since we're all forming conclusions based off such ridiculous bullshit, and incredibly small sample sizes.....