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2 Sweet

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Posts posted by 2 Sweet

  1. IMO, unless you’re truly planning on going off-road, don’t feel like you have to get 4WD/AWD. I keep saying it because it amazes me: snow tires on my RWD Silverado and no problems even light off-road for Campouts and winter driving (acceleration, stopping, turning). Even on a boat ramp I’d wager if you’re careful you could get a 2WD truck to launch and pull up your pontoon boat.


    Get a regular-cab, stick-shift truck.


    Yep. :thumbup:

  2. Yeah, I don't like them enough to buy one if they suck to work on. I read a brief article about the Contour SVT earlier today and how time consuming it is for something as simple as an alternator change. F that. Same reason why I never bought a Lumina Z34. I wanted one with a 5-speed sooo bad back in the day, but the DOHC 3.4 was a huge pain.
  3. It means it a rusty pile of crap


    That's what I'm assuming. I asked the seller to clarify, and still waiting to hear back.


    Regardless, I felt like this would be a decent topic of conversation. Maybe not this specific car, but the SVT model itself. I'm sure there are still a few of these out there in good condition for a reasonable price.

  4. So I'm browsing facebook marketplace tonight while I'm drinking a lot of beer, and came across one of these SVT Contours, and non-sober me thinks it's pretty cool.....












    This one is probably a shitbox, I have no idea what the hell they mean by "bolt holes in the subframe need patched up" but I'm assuming this thing is probably not even worth looking at. But that being said, I might consider checking it out anyway lol.


    I've always liked these cars, but don't know shit about them. Are they reliable? Easy to work on? Common problems I should know about? What are they worth nowadays?

  5. I've kept hand sanitizer in my cars for years. After pumping gas or handling cash or whatever, I always use a little bit. I've always been good about washing my hands frequently. I fucking hate being in crowds when I'm at the grocery store or whatever, I can't stand being shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of mouth breathers. So, my habits haven't had to change much at all.
  6. I loved mine because I left the stock exhaust on it and the car was so quiet you couldn't tell it was modded at all. But you hit that switch and it sounded like hell was going to eat your soul.


    ^ this


    Absolutely loved mine. Quiet when you want, or loud as fuck when you want. Mine were QTP, never failed for me. Only had to hold the switch for about 3 seconds to open/close all the way. With catless longtubes and open cutouts, the car sounded awesome.

  7. I've always tried to have the mindset that I can only control whats directly inside my sphere of influence. So I just focus on getting that as correct as possible. That tends to keep me mentally relaxed.



    We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.


    Well said.

  8. Heard that maybe they might try to shut down the city tomorrow to all non essentials. Anyone hearing something similar?


    The last couple days I've been hearing chatter that it's coming Thursday or Friday state wide, but who knows, it's just he said she said type of rumors. Someone's friend's brother who works for the Pentagon, stuff like that. Nothing from a legitimate source from what I can tell.

  9. Or I could not have to get dressed and drive to the next neighborhood at midnight when I could just walk outside and turn a speaker on. :marc:


    Obvious solution? Obvious solution is one that works, which could be multiple solutions, and in my case, did work as usual.


    100% agreed. Your solution was simple, effective, and entertaining.


    Why the fuck would you take the time and effort to put on clothes, drive over there, knock on the door until they hear you, just so you can tell them to quiet down? Sure they would probably say OK and apologize, but by the time you get back home, would be right back at it making noise again.

  10. My dad has had his license for decades, and has a ton of equipment. Radios, antennas, you name it. He's currently the president of the Madison County Amateur Radio Club.
  11. And the folks at 3M and whatever companies produce disposable respirators are making a killing right now. They are sold out practically everywhere LOL. Some folks reselling them at ridiculous prices.


    Also, Corona beer sales have taken a massive hit because people associate the beer with the virus.


    People are really fucking stupid.

  12. I would love to swap a Chrysler Conquest. I dont know much about them other than I love the look and have seen a few conventional V8 swapped ones. They seem hard to find in decent condition though.


    There's a red one sitting in a storage lot across from the Franklin County Fairgrounds in Hilliard that's been sitting there for 20 years. No idea what kind of condition it's in, probably not great at this point, but I've always wanted to know the story with that car.

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