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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Opinions are like assholes, especially when assholes are giving their opinions...
  2. This thread is fail, on top of fail, wrapped in bacon
  3. The people that paid for it on the iphone when it was first released paved the way for android users. The sponsors jumped on the bandwagon thanks to the popularity along with the paying iphone customers to make it free for android users.... I think
  4. Need anything besides furnature and toys?
  5. Dont know he hasnt responded yet
  6. Its not too late. We have until Sunday to register... My internet keeps going out on my phone.
  7. Seeing Dave Phil ane Ice reminded me so i checked and it just happens to be this sunday.
  8. Outdoor football starts sunday at sports ohio. If we can get 10 people itll only be 30.
  9. I just got a new tv and this stand doesnt work for it. If anyone needs one like this let me know, I had my 56'' samsung on it. Free http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-07-24203444.jpg Additional specs on the stand are in the link. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-9MaMAoFARDt/p_305TR46X3B/Samsung-TR46X3SB.html
  10. Found one that pretty much explains what most of us do on the internet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDArXbPtAys&feature=relmfu
  11. The problem with keeping him is he has shown an inability to control himself. He would have a past on file of verbal hostility which includes death threats. If at any point he does it again or acts on those verbal threats the city is liable. This opens them up to an extremely large law suit and/or having the death of a person on their hands.... they have no choice but to let him go. Threatening to take another's mans life is 100% a reason to lose your job no matter what line of work you are in. You dont get a mulligan with a threat like that.
  12. Th pressure of a job is no excuse for threatening to kill someone you are sworn to serve and protect. Even if the guy was a serial killer the officer has no right to openly make death threats. If he is upset with himself them he needs to be upset with himself. There is no room for devils advocate with this scenario as an officer of the law threatening anothers mans life is never the right thing to do.
  13. I'll probably take my son over.
  14. Pontiac = euro urinal Sorry, I had to :lolguy:
  15. Thanks for the insight. Car is ded secksee! P.S. Brian I laughed my ass off.
  16. Drove one today and was really impressed with the way it feels. Whats a good price for one of these? Why would someone buy this over a C6 or BMW in the same class?
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94560
  18. Take his badge, He doesn't deserve to wear it! If he gets that flustered over this situation how is he going to act in a real life or death situation? Is an innocent bystander going to be shot by a random bullet as he goes all rage and empties his magazine? Can we see a video of a good officer like the one I spoke with last year? Always seeing the bad ones online is depressing.
  19. I have an iphone... I just dont fail like iFail. The legal bs is getting old. Instead of trying to take out your competition beat them with better advertising and an outstanding product.
  20. My comment was directed at multiple people not just you. The nerd piece was for you, the rest was to the people in this thread that say this site is a waste of time. The successful piece and not enjoying babysitting are both relevant as you stated they live the nerd dream and enjoy their power trips. I was informing you that they dont need this site to feel like real men, and infracting people isn't a dream for anyone. I can see where you are coming from but as an admin if you say a single word about any one here that volunteers their time to help out Im not going to turn the other cheek. I will stick up for those helping out until the cows come home. If you say they are power tripping nerds then I'm going to point out why they dont need to be power tripping nerds. Just as if you said they were idiots I would tell you how smart they are etc etc etc. You are right they can quit when ever they want.. the fact that they dont in an effort to help us out makes me respect them that much more. Overall we are on the same page.. just needed to explain the success part.
  21. It appears you are taking others opinions personally. You protect the honor of your phone like you gave birth to it... for that kind sir I laugh at you.
  22. Apple was cool when I played Oregon Trail in school... now I hate them.
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