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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Have you ever thought about removing the interior carpet, ac, heating elements, seats, and going with a smaller fuel tank so that people here take you seriously? I looked at a list of fast bmw's and I'm embarresed to be an Ohioan thanks to your slow ass car. Forget the fact that you are one of many BMW's.. the fact that you are on a racing site with a city in Ohio in the title makes me want to donkey kick an old lady in her boob sag.
  2. :masturboy: Can your car break 14's?
  3. Thats a good one too. Both have bar code scanners, online support, and update their information regularly.
  4. This post is irrelevant to my interests.
  5. The guy with the M6 dropped 500 pounds from his car. Depending on what he sacrificed for weight reduction the streetability is questionable. There are maybe 3 guys in that list I would call streetable. The top car isnt even on you list. There was a guy that ran 9's last time I checked.
  6. Everyone chip in $10,000 and we'll make an indoor race track.
  7. Something to try... Get an app on your phone like "My fitness pal". All you have to do is plug in what you are about to eat and it calculates out the nutional value (carbs, sugar, calories, fat, etc). Since its a lot less work its a lot easier to do. Something as simple as plugging in what you are about to eat before you eat it will help a lot. You would be surprised at how much more control most of you will have on your diet just by seeing the impact before hand. If you type in 4 slices of Pappa Johns all meat before buying it I would bet 95% of you wouldnt get it. My fitness pal isnt the only one but its free and a pretty good app to help with awareness. If you look hard there are plenty that are very detailed and helpful.
  8. I knew you would appreciate this. The heart is strong with this one.
  9. http://thelakersnation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/giggle.gif
  10. I stayed off of CR all week to get as much work done as possible so I could make a cameo appearance at the track. Fail... My schedule is being fucked in the ass for the next 2 weeks.
  11. Even a retarded guy on a unicycle eating a granola bar?
  12. I have a secret... I run consistent 10.7-10.8 in 90 degree weather at full weight. Stillfeelsgoodman.net I would like to see just how much someone likes their life driving a car with no interior, 5500 converter, th400, and 457 gears for 30- 60 miles a day in stop and go traffic. I think you missed the point. When we purchased our mods we chose 3600 over 5500. We chose 233/239 over a t rex.. we chose a tranny with overdrive...
  13. I never stopped rolling in the dirt I just take more showers now.
  14. That's all you have? I expected at least a little bit more. I drive all of my cars in a nice rotation. It helps to keep the mileage evenly distributed. My point is now invalidly valid as none of my multiple cars are daily driven.. your turn.
  15. Bump since Roy isnt the only idiot thats done dumb things when selling. This guy fucked a guy over then made a thread like he wasnt suppose to be mad about it. Since we want to bring up old shit repeatedly.. lets
  16. Very simple answer... Most of us dont have stalls above 4000 and trex cams because we like to drive our cars daily. Wefeelgoodman.com Chrs1313------ 10.811@122.67 (1.386), 02 z28, SS4000, 230/230, 3.23, -400, 3275lbs, 10/08 This guy is the closest to a streetable setup imo. 3.23 gears, and a 4000 converter. Next question.
  17. I grew up fighting Steve over the extra hamburger so I could deal with a lot less :lolguy: When upper management consists of million/billionaires for a fortune 500 company you know they dont care. If all else fails they sell and take off. I miss the old days when the company wasnt national.
  18. I would gladly miss my diaper wearing, wheel chair, nursing home days to provide for my family today. I wont miss my mid-life crises, newly made a grandpa days. I think this place is dipping into that timeline. Time to start saving up so I can afford to move on...
  19. Wont be for long :fa: I've been through this before with Qwest.. I give them 6 years.
  20. Over the last year I've noticed a lot of changes going on with my job. As we change and grow so do my responsibilities and stress. Just as with any big business (run by people that are detached from the workers) we are rated by things that look good on paper but not in real life. In my position I find myself putting in extra hours to assure my workers are ahead of the curve and comfortable enough to at least be able to enjoy their jobs a little bit. I'm one of the few suits that care about the people I have working for me as I'm obviously a dying breed. What this has turned into is having just enough time for work and my immediately family. No more video games, less CR, less time to do anything car related... hell I only see my mom once every 2 months where it used to be every weekend. My company is full of greedy money hungry suits and I get to play Daddy to wipe all the tears of the employees we are dragging through the coals. I know when it all started I was looking for a new job but now its almost a necessity. My heart palpitations are back, I cant sleep, I've cussed out my boss so much that he avoids me... basically... I'm mad bro. The biggest problem is they pay great and all the other jobs I have found are no where near the pay. I've put in 10 years worth of promotions and raises so no other company is willing to come close to my salary... these fuckers have me by the balls and they know it. I used to run around sticking up for them and promoting them... now I cant stand them. If I ban you then say I'm sorry the next day you know why.
  21. Nah, If I was mad you wouldnt be able to respond to me. If you come to our events its the same as living here. Hope to see that thing out this year!
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