Nope.. Its because I ban people. Being on this website and having power makes me feel like a real man. It makes my dick hard when I see a reason to ban people. I personally jump at every oppurtunity like its my last. I also make up rules as I go just to quench my thirst for domination. When people think they are important enough for me to pick on them it makes me laugh. The truth is its all about me, not them. I am so self centered that I say I repeatedly to assure the focus remains on me. I didnt edit that thread but the thought of moderating and seeing you upset makes my pants tight. Fuck the fact that Im successful in real life, I would give it all up to be able to ban and moderate at will. Its like Im a murderer thirsting for blood and the only thing that will put out my fire is killing online personas and e-torturing screen names. Damn I love this shit!!!
P.s. Does anyone know a good therapist? Im pretty sure there is something wrong with me. Not like wrong wrong, just not right wrong. Oh well my break is over. Have a great day everyone. If you read this you are dumber, wasted your time, probably think Im a douche.... and not a fuck was given. :fuckyeah: