Been there.. now I get 4 people to look at a car before I even think about buying it.
My car is driven 2 days a week. I actually look forward to Friday and Saturday thank you very much :gabe:
Makes cents.. I could see him drooling over a fast car to hustle people with and getting messed over. He was overly geeked when he purchased the cavalier
By knowing what I'm doing when I'm behind the wheel. You break everything you touch, at this point I'm sure its the driver and not the car... poor gto doesnt have a chance :no:
Here's the deal dickhead.. i could paint my trans am pink and have a gay orgy inside of it everyday. I could have men sucking men and having anal sex and all kinds of shit with the t-tops off. But I like women so that just wont happen.
BTW Post a lot. Youre washed up. Its like you took 3 showers and made sure all the dirt was removed from your body. Fuck you Lever 2000
I have to get in about one stupid post every 3 pages or so. Mission complete.
Last night my wife and I had to take seperate cars to go somewhere. I made the mistake of pulling the TA in front of her and damn near had my eyeballs burned out from the lights on the Aviator. I dont want to put other drivers through that so whats a good brand of bulb to buy? Do most of you just grab the cheapest lights from O'Reillys and keep on truckin?
I'll fill in for boring Steve...
Does it? "Beginning" is a term created by man to describe how something starts. Does everything have to start or could it just be? What came first, the chicken or the egg...
When I pray I pray to myself because I know for a fact that Im listening. I know I have the power to make my life and the ones I love better. I pray to give myself power. I also hope that someone out there can here me. I hope they can lend me a hand if needed. I hope and believe but in reality who am I hoping hears me? What proof is there that a higher being has wire tapped my bedroom to grant my wishes? For that reason I am very spiritual but not religious. No crowds that share my beleifs.. Just me and my own thoughts.