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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Deep down inside I want to believe there is a god. My problem is that god may be an alien kid who made us as a science project and dooms day is a day after the due date.
  2. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    This thread makes me want to play russian roulette with a crossbow...
  3. Thats pretty cool.. waiving the fee for CR members if they need help. Bump.
  4. Damn you Rob, I came here to post that. I knew a few people growing up that used to carry guns. At first they were always nervous. Scared they would get caught, scared the gun would go off by accident, etc. Them being uneasy made them look suspect. This would cause those around them to watch them closer. At times people would wonder if they were a snitch.. this in itself could have got them shot or picked on making them have to use that gun. Luckily that never happened. After the nervous phase they became comfortable. At this point no one payed any attention to them at all. They walked around like nothing was going on. More confident than before they had the gun, but not superman..The last phase was being over confident. The situations they avoided when they were nervous and neutral they were closer to. The end result was jail time. Take the gun away and you take away the macho man psyche that resulted in incarceration. Its not the gun its the person carrying it. Without the gun people run, with the gun people stand their ground.
  5. V8 Beast

    Flame war

  6. V8 Beast


    Mind... Blown
  7. 4 barrel shotgun... Holy kickback batman!
  8. V8 Beast


    Has anyone seen professional Jones and Wagner? Do they only work on Tuesdays?
  9. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    This is too long to read but I must do my job. If anyone needs to be infracted or given a stern talking too please give me the post number and I will review it. If the post is not worthy of an infraction, ban, or warning I will ban you from this totally awesome super epic bag of flaming shit of a thread. Thank you, Black Guy #2
  10. Old... and a robot!
  11. I'm convinced Paul was kidnapped by a unique anti-racing task force in order to infiltrate our group. He goes away only to come back completely changed after an unexpected "injury". I'm no fool!!!!! Paul was replaced by a robot set to destroy us all.. its like the terminator meets fast and the furious.
  12. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    I reopened this thread because I know cluster fuck potential when I see it.
  13. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Hey new guy. If you keep the meet small, clean, and quiet you should be ok. If it turns into Sawmill it wont last long.
  14. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    If you dont mind me asking... Who gave you permission to use the lot? My father in law just sent a text to the owner and hes curious.
  15. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    If you want mature come back on Thursday.
  16. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Thanks sweetie:masturboy:
  17. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Can you unban him please. This 4G fascinate sucks balls right now.
  18. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Get the hell out. We're working in here. P.s. Who banned the op? Im on my phone and dont feel like checking. Somebody unban him. Pps i just laughed my ass off at street meats.
  19. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Ban this guy too! He agreed to trespass at an illegal meet. For shame...
  20. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Did you borrow his canoe and not give it back? Whats a bish? Is that some forum for canoe renting?
  21. V8 Beast

    Flame war

    Should I just delete this guy or givr him a second chance? Ill let CR decide trying to be active but doing it in a ricer way..thread opened
  22. Friday worked Saturday- cleaned my house and played with the kids Sunday - Sat on my arse and didnt do anything for the first time in ages. Monday - Took my family to Dublin for the fireworks. Mom wanted to go see Smokey Robinson. Afterwards played pick up basketball until like 1am. Then I played video games with the kids... got 3 hours of sleep... Remembered why I stopped playing on work nights... Hate life right now.
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