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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Hey little dude from across the ocean.. let me hold a dolla.
  2. I'm sick so I'm out for practice . I'lll see you guys Sunday.
  3. They are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Secret service knocking down your door in 3....2....
  5. I dont care. All the money I have to give away for being rich I get back in reparations.
  6. You dont need a cage until you crash.. and even then you can survive anything but death.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQYNkfmnHlo
  8. Did you get an interview?
  9. So what you are saying is you guys share a tent J/k, I'm picking up a copy on Friday after work. If I get it before then Ill end up calling off.
  10. Justin was a large and number 12. Is there anyone that is a large that could wear a medium that would switch with Ice?
  11. Anything below 11.5 to me.
  12. Whats the word on it so far? I'll expect a response at about 5am when you all stop playing.
  13. It was special ordered. I hope you didnt think I did the nipple measurements for nothing
  14. Thank you both for taking the time to help out our flag football team. Its very much appreciated by everyone involved!!!
  15. What Phil said. If we do need an alternate deep man its going to be you. We need you more on offense
  16. I need to be better at bringing a video camera
  17. We need to talk about this on Saturday. Got something for ya.
  18. Old is a relative term, but I did use lever this morning to wash all of my 2000 parts.
  19. Going all out like that they need to go and get the pads on. I like having my original teeth in my mouth
  20. Yes, just tell me what position you want to be in.. err um I mean play Good game everyone! Build from it and keep rolling!!!! Areas of improvement - Offense - The huddle got thrown away for some reason - Players ran what ever routes they wanted - Plays took too long to develop - Lack of communication - Only one voice on the field - Substititions - Communication Overall: O is much better but still not as organized as I hoped for. We need to get consistent structure before we play a really good team. Thats on you Steve. Areas of improvement -Defence - More disciplined in zone play - Better deep ball coverage - Stay agressive all game long - Substitutions - Communication Overall: First team was strong, second team was not. Phils going to fix that.
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