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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Story of my life... cant steal shit without people trying to stop me.
  2. New phones going forward dont have to have it. Its still required with your phone but if you get a new phone you dont have to have it. Only smart phone people have the lower option without upgrading.
  3. I bet sending text messages is hard as hell on that.
  4. so... we are going to start with film and chalk talk Friday at my house. Then we will go and do practice after we get everything ironed out and definite. Basically we will know what we are doing as a team and have picked apart the tape before we stand out in the cold. Entire thing should take a max of 2 hours if people are on time. If less than 8 plan on attending we'll cancel and just do it before the game Sunday. Who's in? Phill check with your peoples and let me know. Phil Steve Leigh Me Ice Dave ...
  5. Second team o is going to be simple. Triple option set. Option to pitch or pass and the running back has the option to run or pass after the pitch. 1 receiver on each sideline base and the center in the middle chipping the blitzer then releasing. They will have no choice but to stay on their man and leave us with a 2 on 2 situation. If they go zone one option pitch for 15 yards will put an end to that. Only way to stop it is with a discliplined blitz where they know what man to go after. By the time they figure it out second team will have scored and 1st team will be back in. I can bet money that if we do the option first play, roll out pass second play, and option pitch running back pass on third its a TD. P.S. Brandon and Duff are both fast.
  6. I still own the analog iphone http://www.funnyfreak.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/new-iphone.jpg
  7. I average 4gb in porn alone! I had 7.3gb's used last month. Mr. Monkey the website is lame. It lets you change it with a plan or phone change but hasnt been updated to let you just change it. Call and cuss them out for being non iphone having losers.
  8. $15 150mb. Just put it on my wifes droid x. So what you are saying is... http://www.santafemods.com/Forum/AndroidForums/EVO-iPhoneCoffin.jpg
  9. *< http://oit.nd.edu/support/desktopmgmt/images/apple_logo_small_000.gif http://images.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/sad-android-logo.jpg
  10. jailbreak, root, penis
  11. I remember a lot of people complaining about the data plans on the smart phones. If you want to save some money go online and lower it. Oh, and if you upgrade to any phone that is not a smart phone you can block it completely. Thought you guys would want to know. Deuces BTW, iphone, android, penis
  12. I think its good he went to jail young. It takes a certain kind of crazy to be able to do the things he did. From a mental standpoint there was something missing that he hopefully found out how to control in prison. I strongly feel if he would have went to school for 3 years then went pro he would have been another Ray Carruth. This may have saved him before he had enough money to really show how crazy he was.
  13. Welcome back JD! (I like that more than Duff now lol) Give me a heads up on the location or its going to end up being a film and planning session.
  14. The cold is fine. The question is where are you going to find a lit location with enough traction to be able to get a good feel for the plays? Dublin Coffman park is a park in Dublin by where we practiced the first time with lit tennis courts. The fence should block some of the wind too.
  15. Shit, I cant have my kids out there if its that cold. Time to dump them on grandma.
  16. Steve and Leigh are captain and co-captain of the first team offense. Steve, Leigh, Darrien, Ice, Romeo, Brandon, Keith. You guys do what ever the hell you want just make sure it puts points on the boards and you communicate with your team. You have 7 so run like it and use a few plays to get your breath back. I'm taking over 2nd team offense (Periodic relief. We will probably run 2-3 sets per game unless you guys are on a roll and pwning people) Me, Phil, Duff, Dave, Justin. Subs are set for now. Base your plays on the personel you have. If you dont think this will work let me know. From what I see having 2 receivers rotating in will work great. Plus you guys that want to play a little defense are able to when the second team offense goes in. When it comes to subing you should sit out for 2-3 plays then go on the field and tell someone to sit down (try to avoid taking out the hot hand). Dont wait for them to come get you... it wont happen lol. Guys on the field should run like they are going to be able to rest in 3 plays. There was a lot of jogging and weak routes when I looked at the tapes. We made the their job easy for them. I've seen you guys run so I know for a fact we should put up at least 49 points! /Coach Carter
  17. I'm just not ready for that kind of speed. I need more time in the computer chair first. 150 words per minute keyboards with 60 words per minute typers...
  18. Thats what Im thinking. On Friday we can go over the film, plays, and do walk throughs. P.S. Phil, you were right about the defense. I went over the tapes again. If it aint broke dont fix it! Offense will need subs with the way they are going run. With your zone we wont need it as much. Lets put our focus on the offense and make very little changes to defense. Thoughts? First off is 7:30 on Friday still good for everyone? Second where are we going to do this? Does anyone have a meeting room in their apartment complex that they will let us use? I would offer up my house but its not exactly a neutral location.
  19. Sports Ohio will be closed at 7:30 Friday. If anyone has an idea of a place thats not 40 degrees and dark like it will be outside let me know. Otherwise we will have no choice but to have a meet and eat.
  20. See you guys in the spring My keyboard is having some issues so I'll be out all winter. I'm hoping next year to have a new computer that will process at twice the speed. Guys be careful this winter. I honestly dont know what happened. I was typing and suddenly I saw smoke. Before I knew it the laptop was fliping end over end off of the table. I was off to one of the best posts ever and in the blink of an eye it was all gone. All the processors, extra RAM... the beefed up memory... all gone. The winter is serious bizness.
  21. I need to send a few 300mb files and cant find a free way to do it. Its a one time thing so I cant see paying a monthly fee. I found a few on google but they look a little suspect. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.
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