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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. V8 Beast


    WTF If I was a Penn State fan I would be pissed after seeing the lucky bs
  2. I'm challenging the offense to score on every possesion.
  3. Thats like going to a school for slow learners and bragging about being the smartest... but in that case, just like this, you would still be wrong Howard has you beat. You may be quicker, but he's faster. Go Howards nutswinging crew!!!
  4. I have it. Will be on after the game.
  5. V8 Beast


    Yeah. Play calling looks good, execution is horrible.. On a good note the special teams is doing ok.
  6. Yeah, its not unlimited if you are paying for it. 5gb the $15. If you do a lot of streaming/downloading of large files for work it will bite you in the ass. Use wifi when you can and that when you have to and you'll be fine. 5gb can vanish in a heart beat if you try to download a movie or stream music for a while.
  7. Talk about being on the same page. Brandon sent me a text, as I sent you a text, as you were posting here about the shirts lol!
  8. If you travel that much you will get your $15 dollars worth.. but like stated there are other phones that have apps that allow you to do it for free. Its definitely fast enough to get the job done. Just keep in mind that if you travel that much you will fnd some slow spots. One of the best pros is that if you dont like it you can take it off
  9. Yes. The play was an experiment that didn't work as well as we wanted, it happens. Let's find something that does. We don't have to throw it out but it needs fixed in certain formations. It got us way more sacks, but also got us burnt. Phil will have to find an equal medium. Even if its as simple as making a modified zulu out of it when the back lines up split. Have the backer and line cover deep and have the dbs watch the flats after jamming while the other dl watch the middle after a fake blitz. It won't help with the sacks but it will keep then honest... just a thought, take it or leave it... I'm high on cough syrup typing and wishing I was having sex like all of you at 7:30 .
  10. Its not fighting, its me trying to set him straight before he gets himself burnt this week. That and take some ownership for bad play calling.
  11. This shows you dont know what you are doing.. Let me explain why... There is a one yard gap between the db and the wr. To get a good bump is going to take about a second. During this second of slowing down the wr who is jamming the center and the back... no one. So you are telling me you can get back to a zone that may already be occupied without turning and running full speed to make up for that half a second you already lost? Romeo got toasted by their slow back and he was back turned full go to get to his zone. Here is where you messed up. This is not a play you can run against every formation unless you plan on jamming more people. Either that or the back has to be far enough in the back field to be able to make up for the time and someone needs to chip the center. If the back lines up as a flanker then its saying we'll bump these two guys... you go ahead and run deep all by yourself (which happened twice). You can stick that junior high stuff back in your pocket, that was all the coaches fault. Again, we are lucky they dropped those 3 sure td passes. It wasnt technique it was the play calling. I've been giving you guys enough rope to hang yourself. To be honest I dont plan on quitting so go ahead and do what you do.. just dont act like your shit dont stink afterwards... Now go yell at yourself for running that d when they had an empty backfield and we only had 2 jammers.
  12. There are plenty of other threads for that. This is about buttburt Cleveland not butthurt America.
  13. Well then.. thats not cp time. Ok, you can yell at people again
  14. Yes... blackout days due to business needs.
  15. WTF Sam! I walked up and said monkey brains hoping for a free meal. Instead the guy went to the back and gave me a key of coke to deliver to you. When I drop this coke off you better have a sub there waiting for me.
  16. Thats the problem with 5 on 5. No matter what you do there are going to be gaps
  17. Yeah, play it like you would an option. If we are disciplined and not just chasing the ball we'll be fine. Practice before the game is going to be critical to figuring out our gameplane. Phil... can you figure out a man zone blitz package that would work?
  18. Fixed. Need our a game. Hopefully I'm over what ever bug I have by then. Without Duff we are going to have to go that much harder.
  19. 9pm, field 2. The team that likes to latteral and runs hard as hell. They play all year round and were deep into the playoffs 3 1/2 weeks ago.
  20. Quick note... The bump and zone is why the db's got burnt. On a few plays it left them running back with their back to the o trying to get position. Forgot to bring it up after the game. Luckily for us the other team couldnt catch. have to find a new strategy to give the line more time on the blitz. P.S. Phil you cant keep showing up late as hell. Plan to arrive with enough time to test your changes out before we put it in the game. If you're going to be serious about it to the point that you are yelling at people then your ass needs to show up with the rest of the team and practice.
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