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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. The Big Bang Theory How I met your Mother Chuck Two and Half Men Survivor
  2. I am usually pretty open to different styles but that thing is pretty bad.
  3. V8 Beast

    Halo Reach

    Legendary kicked my ass.. it was awesome! I'm tired of easy games. This one makes you pick a strategy, talk to the people you are playing with, and think before you act. Dover you should rent it. I see myself giving halo to my son once black ops comes out.
  4. I'm not doing that again. I had to wait 3 days for Anthony to fix it.
  5. Reading that gives me hope that their are still some real men in this emo filled world. Do your thang and come home safely!
  6. And the CR cleanup continues. P.S. I can ban everyone in here... including myself.
  7. While everyone was inside hiding I was outside naked watching my balls try to take sail in the wind.
  8. http://thesituationist.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/thing-called-love.jpg
  9. http://store02.prostores.com/edapple/catalog/Common%20Sense%20AO%20C1.jpg
  10. http://misspeakmusic.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/common.jpg http://topnews.com.sg/images/HTC-Sense.jpeg
  11. V8 Beast

    Common sense

    Not having any is now a bannable offense...
  12. Ummm... you dont see me on here acting like I know about country music lol. We need to make a rule that rap music should not be discussed on this site... at all!
  13. You have 30 days to take it back
  14. ..Old enough not to need the data package. $75, used for 2 months before I went back to data phones. I also have a samsung omnia 1 for $20. Let me know if you are interested or want pics. They are just in my drawer collecting dust.
  15. I'm pissed that I had to miss the rental today and was wondering if anyone knows of any other private rentals going on in the next month or so? My car will be together in a week so I'm itching to drive it. I know about the test n tunes but the track prep (outside of kilkare) seems to suck monkey balls on public events.
  16. Most of the cleanups I've seen have a few hundred dollars that the track typically takes care of. The disclaimer is in the event that the track tries to charge us do to a massive failure. This will also make those people that know their cars are broke think twice before racing it. If I pay to watch a track get cleaned for hours up due to something that could be prevented I would be pissed. This isnt saying that you will definitely be charged if a break occurs... Its saying if there is one it could be passed on to the driver based on the circumstances surrounding the failure.
  17. Your kids = Dennis the Menace with a cloning device Damn they look mischievous lol!
  18. Fuck handing my money to a stripper for giving me blue balls... there are hookers trying to finish college too.
  19. Its the same thing. We remove the big bar because it takes up too much space and the button on the phone does the same thing.
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