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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Phil is what would happen if the Trojan company merged with the Make a Wish Foundation.
  2. My 2 cents.. Employing people that are not legally suppose to be here should be a crime. The welfare amount that people are given should ramp down over a 3 year period to $0. If you cant find a job/change your lifestyle in 3 years you deserve to be pennyless. (This is only for the able body recipients... I know some people that get welfare do it for medical reasons)
  3. A lot of us have also done charity penis work for ugly girls but we dont go around bragging about it.
  4. For those that dont know me yet.. I'm actually worse in real life than I am online. My bio: I work out all the time and have a small penis that I claim is huge. I have never actually shot anyone but I pull my gun all the time to show people how bad ass I am. If anyone wants to fight with me I will set a date but will never show up. I ride around in a donked civic thats painted like a Cheerios box. On the internet I spend 5 minutes googling and 3 minutes spell checking before I post to make me appear smarter than I really am. I make $100,000 a year by working as a manger but act like I'm a drug dealer. All in all I am the most awesome dude you will ever come in contact with on the internet.. and am a complete d-bag in person.
  5. Hi, my name is Brian and I banned you. This thread is for complaining and talking about your superior roll racing abilties.. the other thread is for people that are going to race at a track that will include brackets for the first time ever. Anthony has a blower that can get heat soaked and make him run 11's... I didnt see one complaint or excuse from him. If you are actually going to race you are back in. If you are going to say that people with 6spds cant bracket race (which is a damn lie) have fun here. Hope to unban you soon, Brian
  6. Now a days everyone is pushing supplements/drugs as a fast and easy way to get results. If you work hard it will stay with you, if you cut corners it will come back. The key to losing weight is to reprogram your body and your habits. Like Bottlefed stated that stuff can seriously mess you up. Yes you will be skinny, but you could be less healthy than you were when you were overweight. Steve for president
  7. This!! Its like adding nitrous to a car. Yes its immediate speed but you need to build up your supporting mods to get the most out of it. Shoot Bottlefed a PM he knows his stuff.
  8. Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal for breakfast. Chicken salad and muscle milk for lunch. Steak, potatoes, and carrots for dinner. Do that 3-4 times a week.
  9. I never liked the env3. If you look them up online you find that the LG warranty phones are crap. If you get a new one and never have to switch it out you are usually ok. The second you use the warranty you will probably get crap. 7 different calls... As in did a manager give you $800 in perks on one call/visit or was it over time. I just read the rest of your post. You must pay a hell of a lot of money per month. Stores will negotiate but to get it for free is not a usual thing.
  10. So kids are breaking phones and you are asking for managers to give you free phones to replace them.. or are you saying the phones were faulty? Please tell me the free stuff was on 7 different calls... or that you are exaggerating. Thats a lot of stuff.
  11. A few things... -They should offer you a phone that doesnt require the $10 crap. -The contract is not being voided. The warranty is set by the companies that make the phone. If you go by the warranty you would have to keep getting the same phone infinity times. If you choose to go to a different phone its still a choice. If you dont want what is being offered you can stay with the same phone. -Going up the corporate ladder for what you want is a waste of time. The economy is not good enough for you to bitch to get what you want. Try it again in a year. -If you activate a phone that you did not purchase from them then there is a way out of the $10 with old phones like the voyager. You might even be able to go online and take it off yourself...
  12. No, with naked woman I have something else in my hand..
  13. You drink so much alcohol that your pee evaporates at an extrememly high rate. /thread
  14. Its actually an ok idea. Guys, guns, cars, sports, beer, all pretty much go hand in hand. Ask Anthony if you really want it to happen (Most seperate sections are sponsored so remember that too)
  15. V8 Beast

    its here......

    Ultimately Apple will team up with Google to make the iDroid and start raping your pockets all over again... No thats in 2 weeks. This week its the Droid Nex X
  16. V8 Beast

    its here......

    I heard that the iphone is going to release an iphone 4.1 that comes with a real apple that you can actually eat!!! Then they are going to add more memory and call it iPhone 5... from there they are going to make it on CDMA and call it iphone 7. This way they can still release the same damn phone on ATT 1 more time with a different number at the end of it (for the ATT lovers or dumb asses in contract) before they pack up and move out.
  17. V8 Beast

    its here......

    I heard there is an android phone being released next week that has 2 more minutes of battery life than the previous one. Its running Android 2.3. I also heard one is in the works that will be a different color. To assure the color of the phone is compatible with the software android 2.4 is being made.
  18. No. Sincerely, ColumbusRacing.com not Columbus Sports and random stuff that Phil does because his car is on bricks.com
  19. V8 Beast

    iOS4 is UP!

    No, my screen name is naked.
  20. V8 Beast

    iOS4 is UP!

    AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to make an iphone with android software and watch all of your fucking minds explode!!!!
  21. V8 Beast

    Droid X

    The Droid 2 is tits. A motorola rep was testing it... very familiar but a lot faster.
  22. You got over $600 for it... nice. Audits can charge back as far as 7 months later. I knew a guy that got charged 6 months later when the Storm came out doing the exact same thing. Just wanted to warn ya...
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