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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. $9.99 is for 25mb of use.... $29.99 is unlimited. The 3g phones have html browsers but process slower than smart phones. With the 3g phones you have the choice of $9.99 or $29.99. Smart phones do not have the $9.99 option. As Jones said they are like little laptops now a days. With either phone type you will probably start off surfing CR, branch out, and never go back. I have the corporate plan for $45 and tether my phone to my laptop. I must say the connection speed seems as fast as my wirelsss connection at home. On trips I play POGO games but check my usage regularly because there is a 5gb cap when using the phone as a modem.
  2. + $9.99 for 3g phones + 29.99 For smart phones Its lame that the good phones require the data packages...
  3. V8 Beast

    dear toyota

    I cant stop posting!! I think my floor mat is stuck on post reply!
  4. V8 Beast

    dear toyota

    Ok.. Lets stop thread pooping before they recall this thread.
  5. V8 Beast

    dear toyota

    But this is a factory car with a small turbo. Up the boost and make 700whp... You're such a newb
  6. I'm sick and tired of the world thinking we can have cookie cutter systems for everything. The punishment should fit the crime and also fit the person being disciplined. Since we are dealing with kids it needs to be the disciplinary action that will most likely help the child learn from their mistake(s).
  7. V8 Beast

    dear toyota

    Start assembly on a 2011 Supra that makes 600hp with a turbo'd 5JZ inline v7. Do that and no one will remember that you had issues..
  8. Black Stig 7'11'' 457lbs Hands are considered lethal weapons http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/stigworkout.jpg
  9. He was proud that his fans were electric
  10. Cant find my intro.. I know I did one like a year after I joined...
  11. I havnt had to take a punch in a while so I've probably developed a glass jaw. Oh well..
  12. I need a texas speed cam and patriot gold dual valve springs. Anyone here get better rates than I can get on Texas Speeds web site?
  13. Im A Motherfucker 5'10'' 205lbs 15 years experience southpaw. 97 times golden gloves former champion of the world Beat Mike Tyson and Roy Jones JR at the same time Almost beat Chuck Norris Bringing my little brother. Big Steve 6'5'' 240ish Newb
  14. I want to get into a fight just so I can say that! That and, "He's leaking!" WTF is he a broke faucet I love how he was all hard core and then he sat there talking about killing someone and asking for an ambalamps at the same time. Side note: I bet the older gentleman had to wait like 45 minutes for another bus.. I dont think that was his stop.
  15. Looked like the guy didnt expect expected Santa to do anything.. surprise You can verbally instigate a situation and be considered at fault wihtout throwing a single punch. .. Saw it on Judge Judy said P.S... The guy that got beat up was walking away with his back to Santa Kimbo when Santa said he slaps the shit out of people like him.. so who was really instigating the fight at that point? Answer without seeing the beginning of it all - both at fault
  16. So walking away while you are still talking is letting it go? I'm suprised by the comments from the people in this thread to be honest. Its like cheering for the rapist that killed the murderer. They are both at fault and stupid for not handling the situation like respectable adults. Internet entertainment = 10/10 (There was blood, and old santa claus looking granpa off his meds and the fucker said ammba-ance) Trying to justify the actions of two idiots and take sides = Why waste your time.
  17. Now if he ran him over in a wheelchair and wiped his face with a dirty diaper the video would have been epic!!!
  18. Two ignorant people fight and its poetic justice because the old guy won? I dont get it.. Did the guy say something to the old guy first or did the old guy instigate it? I still dont get it.
  19. V8 Beast


    Respect your elders /thread
  20. V8 Beast


    WORST ANALOGY EVARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Tyler get out of this thread before you and Hal get into a fight and you both quit CR again.
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