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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Why do people feel the need to exploit games flaws and cheat? Every game I start to like online people feel the need to cheat or find programming flaws. Forza you have people lagging the connection and making you run into walls. Halo... too many to count. And now COD has joined the lame gamer club. I may only play the game once or twice a week but I'm not playing COD again until they patch that care package bs.
  2. Damn! I cant talk stuff about you until 2011. What happened to the car? you saw the apple store post before I edited it.
  3. Big Darby Creek is nice and close... but outside. Took the wife there and she shot better than me
  4. Hell to the naw!!! And it can be done by any member. A mod wouldnt have to do it.
  5. A thread is all that is needed with one person doing the updating. Ray is doing it on LS1tech and it works fine.
  6. Honestly that is a good point. There is no reason to plug it.
  7. Ok you win. Top 10000 Bikes and top 200000000000000000000000000 vehicles with more than 2 wheels.
  8. Top 10 bikes, Top 20 cars -You must currently own your car/bike and be the driver/rider when the time is achieved. -Must be a legal resident of Ohio - Must not be friends with He Hate Me Hows that?
  9. I know, I was trying to do that thing were you make a dramatic statement them walk away. You killed it with your accurate number
  10. I would have never ran a 10.7 if Ant didnt run one at the previous track event. Competition is good for the soul!! This year if I dont run a 10.4x I'm forging it out.
  11. I'll make Jason a mod for a week and give him your name
  12. One track event is more than 90% of the members attend in a year...
  13. Its appreciated and nice to see your truck run in person. :thumbup:
  14. LOL! I'm going to put you back in the oven and change your name so no one comes looking for you. And I dont need a list to be on top. I'm pretty sure I'm top 3 of the fastest black guys, and 3rd fastest stock bottom LS1. WOOOHOOOOO! /Paul
  15. See boosted post on the last page. Having a list of people you know and rub elbows with helps feed competition. Put a guy with a 7 second car that races in California at the number 1 spot and what happens... People look at the list, say who the hell is that ,and never look back. Now If Boosted was on the list with Russ right in front of him they would actually race each other. There would be grudge matches, more reason to attend track days, etc. If you want to make a list just to have more words typed out on the internet have fun. In my eyes it would be an active list consisting of real people not just internet screen names and timeslips.
  16. Lurk lurk lurk.. timeslip, lurk lurk lurk... Think McFly
  17. The list would be full of names of people that none of us know. What fun is it to have a list full of people that you will never see at an event and will never race against?
  18. Theres a guy on the board that lives in Florida and owns a 9 second LS1. He made it out of the oven and hasnt posted in about a year. Based on your logic he should be on the list... Think about it.
  19. This year I hope to see you out. I see your 1/8th mile slips all the time. I want to see what it can do in person :bangbang:
  20. Why are you still here? I was trying to be nice...but this thread is officially for people that race their cars. Not for people who think driving in snow and having good gas milage were their major accomplishments for the year.
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