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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Have you lost close friends? Are you arguing with family? How many people have you removed in the last few months? What kind of negative impact has this election had on you and your social circle?
  2. At this point I figure I could drop 10k on my car and race it 4 times a year. Or spend $3k on guns and shoot weekly.
  3. Yeah, costly just like every other round I buy
  4. Theres a 12 year old girl on my brothers 145lb team. Best lineman they have. Its pretty cool watching her pancake the boys.
  5. Thanks guys. I'm used to ordering and waiting for ammo at this point.
  6. What are the cons of the conversation as all I'm seeing are pro's everywhere. If it were you would you get a new lower dedicated to this or just swap out with a 5.56/.223 upper as you go?
  7. I dont know a single female that voted for him. It was either Gary Johnson or Obama. Homosexuals turned their back on him... You vote for the guy that will best reflect your views. Romney made sure he was not that guy to a lot of people. Best the devil you know
  8. I took a nap. Woke up and the world still has not ended.
  9. Thanks, just had the staples removed. Its going to be 8 months before I can go full go and about 4 before I even start jogging (unassisted). Stool softeners ftw :masturboy:
  10. Right! He said that since my hamstrings were so huge its probably stronger than what it was to begin with. I'm going to make the bionic man sound effect my new ringtone lol.
  11. Some racial stuff got him a little vacation. He'll be back today
  12. So, I hear the world is about to end. Are you sure this tin foil hat, a shot gun, and a ditch in my front yard is all I need to make it through it alive???
  13. They move too slow, way more people have guns now do to fear, and most people wont willingly turn them in. Its a lose lose for the guberment.
  14. I doubt it. Too much gun control would assure the next republican would win no matter what. Worse case scenario they take automatic riflles.. but even that would take a few years. The focus now needs to be on getting our money right. Obama didnt seem to care about it enough to push the envelope. I seriously think the manufacturers are using scare tactics to make a profit.
  15. banned. This shit is hilarious. I voted for Romney but Im not going to sit here and act like the world is about to end.
  16. Obama didnt win, Mitt lost... he shot himself in the foot so many times I heard his toes are now against the 2nd amendment.
  17. Good news is he cant be elected again
  18. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kMAdF3mfets/TyMZR-bMhOI/AAAAAAAAGgM/NacYJFC-YRA/s1600/obama-laughing.jpg
  19. Like Ant said, its too much extra work. It would be hard to trust the people in the staging lane to only let a select few into the prepped lane for the entire rental. Its hard enough separating radial from street tires.
  20. pic of the graph http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0993-1.jpg
  21. Halo 4 is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
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