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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. 4 straight hours of hiccups is like water torture lol! They used my hamstring
  2. Scott Van Steyn ftw!!! I feel better after surgery than I did before! Only issue is these damn meds keep giving me hiccups.
  3. I did a few private rentals on my own with like 15 people. It costs a lot more but no one spills. I was thinking about having some next year like that. Too many people not properly checking their cars and taking away from other peoples fun has become the theme from the sounds of it.
  4. A Mechanics Diary: 11/5/12 I'm just about done with my newest mod when I run into unforeseen trouble. Making several attempts to rectify the problem have led to the same results. I know there are other ways to resolve this dilemma but going to a hardware store or starting over feels like a waste of time. I know I can do this so I keep trying different angles and directions. I grab power tools and random stuff I think will give me the upper hand. I have hours invested so going to the hardware store now just seems like throwing in the towel. Then suddenly I notice something... That something that makes all the difference. The slightest of slight changes that results in positive movement. I turn it slowly hoping for the best. I get it all the way on there and to assure its torqued down properly I attempt one more turn. Then suddenly it free spins. #$@#!!! NOOOO I &^%!!! STRIPPED IT!!! I turn it a few more times in disbelief hoping it was a fluke... but its not. Defeated I throw my wrench and walk away vowing to never work on cars again. 11/6/12 I just went to the hardware store and picked up a bolt to fix my car.....
  5. What you will need: plastic tubing, track prep, a cheap electronic pump, paint, hanging brackets, bolts nuts, wrenches, drill/drill bit, container, toggle switch, wiring. Putting it together: Connect the plastic tube to the top of the wheel well. If done properly it should drips sideways across 6 inches of the tire. to avoid questions in tech it can be camouflaged/hidden. The tubing will go into the container filled with track prep. The pump should be inline for best results. Wire the pump and switch. Test and adjust for optimum results. When the track sucks Turn on your switch and let the track prep drip on the tires. Do this just before a burn out and a few drips a little afterwards. This has been another edition of Backyard Racing. *The views in this post are in no way the views of Columbus Racing. If you put water or chocolate milk in the system and crash you are an idiot. Being an idiot is not illegal however it is frowned upon. If you do not know if you are an idiot please consult with a licensed professional before making an attempt to install this system.
  6. Did you know you can contact a track during a rental and pay for additional track prep? I've done it before. If its too much you can also work with your racing peers to split the cost and pay for the entire track to be prepped. Its worked way better for traction than creating threads.
  7. Thorne and Tim... You guys are to politics as Ben and Kickass used to be to cell phone operating systems.
  8. 99.9% of men that do not care about womens rights have a penis
  9. We were messing with him so hard that I really doubt he knew what to do. Cut him some slack before I drive to your house and kick over your fish tank bitch.
  10. Once you are granted permission to see the rest of the board you lose the ability to welcome new members. That is until you have some tenure accrued here. Your welcome thread is also closed once you get enough reputation points to make it in.
  11. Guys stop being d-bags You have to log out completely, power cycle your computer, then make a thread in the kitchen area including the words "oven" and "access". Its a weird glitch that happened with the last update. In the mean time did you want me to post anything for you or read anything back to you from your thread?
  12. Mine was 325hp factory (bhp). Based on what I have seen with some factory freaks some would be higher... and some lower. I dont remember my baseline, but I'm sure it was like 287 or something. As far as suspension its stiffer springs and lower to the ground. It handles better but its not like it made it a corvette. I drive in straight lines so I dont even know
  13. OP. check this out http://ls1tech.com/forums/new-ls1-owners-newbie-tech/213148-jrps-faq-commonly-asked-questions.html Its a great starting point
  14. Subway no smell like urine no more????
  15. ... and still going to watch it and more than likely enjoy it because I wont be sitting there waiting for it to fail
  16. 112 is fine. You probably wouldnt even feel the difference between 112 and 113. As long as the tune is on point you will be fine. With my car the issue tune wise was my car hates anything below 45 degrees. Once it got warmed up it was fine. On a side note that lope when it was cold was cool as hell. It had that delay that reminded me of the old school muscle cars.
  17. Here's been my experience with cams over the last 3 years. I know you dont plan on being at the track all the time, but the numbers will give you an idea of what I was working with. (keep in mind this is an A4) 228/232 110+1 Motor: 11.5 150 shot: 10.72 @128 1.62 60' Quick, but top end felt weak MS3 112 Motor: 11.7 150 shot: 10.79 @130 1.58 60' You can feel it continue to climb on the top end. Fun as hell. Just a little too much lope for me. 233/239 112 Motor: 11.6 125 shot: 10.75 @ 126 1.61 60' This was my compromise. I really haven't had much of a chance to tweak it track wise but it makes driving to work fun as hell. The car was acting funny so I went with smaller jets at the track. Ended up that I had some electrical problems. Havent had enough free time to test it out since. As you can see, of the 3 cams the MS3 had more power up top and only lost a small bit of quickness. I think I actually spun a little when the spray hit so I'm sure if I would have given it a chance it would have had the best time. Since I wanted to drive my car more the MS3 was a touch over what I considered to be ok for daily driving. Of the 3 it was the most fun, but sitting in traffic with it was annoying. Like stated, with your M6 it will be fine. Another thing to keep in mind... since you are getting the cam before the heads you will not get the full effect. Get those higher airflow mods in there as soon as you can and read up to make sure they compliment the cam/each other. I have purchased and sold about 10 cams in the last 6 years so I know how you feel. You read good/bad reviews. Spend hours doing research only to order it and second guess if it was the right choice. You wont know if you like it until you feel it in action. Even driving other peoples cars really doesnt help (imo) because its not your own car. The good news is if you do need to sell it you can make most of your money back. Sorry for the novel, but you remind me of myself 7 years ago and I figured I could help.
  18. I tried something different this year Kids helped with the other two
  19. http://imgs.isidewith.com/results-image/184310765.jpg
  20. I have full range of motion back and was playing basketball last week when I thought its was just a 6 weak old grade 2 mcl tear. My quads are strong enough that Ive never had my leg give out or anything. If it wasnt for feeling funny I wouldnt have got a second opinion. I have the benefit of learning a lot in sports, training, and sports medicine over the years.
  21. If your penis was running for president what would your campaign slogan be?
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