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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. 3 different options. Junker, $18k aviator, or $18k explorer. If I get a junker It'll be less than $6k I figured the price was inflated to leave room for negotiating... I'll do what I always do and use a big down payment to talk the price down.
  2. You know dealerships always say yes. I will say the engine is clean enough to eat off of. Who ever had that car took care of it.
  3. Looks and handles pretty well.. are these things really worth $18k? At this point I'm either getting a junker to tide me over for a year, a 2004 Aviator ($18k 50k miles), or a 2006 Exploder ($18k 50k miles). Aviators are like finding needles in hay stacks... Explorers are so easy to find and the shitty resale may work in my favor... Thoughts?
  4. V8 Beast


    Damn, had that happen to me when I was 16. 15 cops swarmed in and pulled guns on me and pretty much begged me to make a mistake... all because my friends were shooting cans with a bb gun.
  5. V8 Beast


    I know dumb dumb, lighten up. You know he didnt mean anything by it.
  6. V8 Beast


    Transgender surgery was successful?
  7. V8 Beast


    I just put on under armor and protected my house.. from lettuce
  8. When the wife and I were having troubles in the bed last winter I just dressed up like Erik and kept asking if I could plow her lot.
  9. Welcome back. We'll get you back under that hood in no time!
  10. P.S. After the storm I highly doubt they would back this phone without completely and totalling testing every aspect of it. With google designing it instead of failorola its will probably be a very good device. I still dont see it being better than the touch pro 2 though... PSSSSSS.. The iphone = money and verizon has the most customers. It would be completely stupid for the two not to work together. Its a win win situation.
  11. Getting one myself once they are back in stock. All of my co-workers have tours but I have never really liked blackberries.
  12. There is nothing wrong in the areas they have towers.. they just need to work better deals to make their network bigger for data. If anything will cause their downfall its the coverage area for travelling customers.
  13. LOL!!!! They probably were messing with me but either way it was funny. The dude shrugged his shoulders at me before they got off at Tuttle... it was classic.
  14. Travelling on the freeway I happen to look over at a guy in an explorer that looks like hes on crack or something. He's making wierd faces and is shaking. I'm like is this dude ok.. is he about to crash, wtf!?! Then all of a sudden a girl pops up from his lap with the most disgusted look ever on her face and smacks the shit out of him . Then she looked over at me (obviously embarrased) and smacked him again. That made my week!!!! I'm guessing she found the cream filling If you are on here I tip my hat to you!
  15. Conspiracy theory man say: Vaccinations are actually ways for the government to implant tracking devices into everyone so that they can track your every movement. Preaching about how bad or good they are with a percentage of people having complications on both sides is a waste. If somone gets sick that doesnt have it they say you should have got the shot... if someone gets sick from the shot they say you shouldnt have got the shot... I'm starting to think you all enjoy arguing in circles. If you dont beleive me search "vaccination" and see this exact argument happening every year at this time.
  16. I'm already twitchy... thats why I drive an automatic.
  17. I was hoping for 3 losses.. now it may be 5
  18. Got my shot last week. It is funny how the disclaimer is basically that it may not work if the flu strain isnt close to the one they put in you.... Its like, heres a shot that might help yoo but probably wont. Then I'm like, is it free... and they say yes.. and then I'm all like... fuck yeah I love free shit!
  19. V8 Beast

    my new ride

    Saving this quote for after you swap turbos with Paul and blow your motor
  20. Everyone has a role. Its like asking if a longsnapper is a player. Some of them only come in when the kickers come in... think about it
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