I got it for my son.. him and the neighborhood kids love it. I got on firefight with some friends and after going through 7 rounds (over a 2 hour period) we discovered there is no end to it... the bonus rounds with 500000000 enemies to kill was fun though
Thanks, today is the 4th day and the pain is pretty much gone. If it comes back I'll shoot you a pm and go get one.
And as many times as I was rear ended in the Envoy I could write it off.. tell them to hire her back!!!!!
Yeah, Thats the icey with the hot I was asking for. I heard ice 72 hours then heat afterwards. I have to assume the week of ice is just to be sure the inflamation is completely gone.
Hot female doctor manipulating me for a $20 co-pay... hmmmmmmmmm
Nope.. Too much insurance fraud. Id makes sure the person requesting the phone is the person on the account.
The fee you pay for insurance is for ASSurion thorugh Verizon. All claims for phones that are damaged by the customer are through them... the stores only handle manufacturer defects.
Take walks and think.
Find mindless time consuming things to do (like online games)
Make your daughter a special lunch or present... leave her a thoughtful note in her backpack to put a smile on her face at school
Make a to do list and immediately start doing it
Do a home project
Basically... find things to get your mind off of thinking about yourself.