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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'm playing guitar hero and rockband in the nude with my helmet on... again
  2. I saw this bad ass mustang at Dyno Tune... maxed out the blower it had and had plenty of room for more power. I think he actually upgraded his blower this year P.S. I think I hold the world records for the most free O'Reileys can holders in the passenger seat of a fireturd.
  3. LOL, Back on topic. It would be fun to have a track event and actually organize who races who. Everyone races 4 or 5 times and in the end a winner is declared based on the number of wins. We would have to go by the origin of the car rather than where they were built but it could be fun. A few evos's against lsx'ers, big turbo hondas against those fast mopars that were out there, a neon vs. an electric scooter.. oh yeah! Are all of our fast bikes imports?
  4. Who gives a shit... this argument is gay which is why I was making fun of it.
  5. No Canada does not equal Americia. Americia is some girl whos parents debated on names like Freniqua and Ironisha before choosing Americia.
  6. WTF eh? Canada is still American... its just not all American because its Canadian.
  7. When I went camping we were IN TENTS!!!!
  8. I brake check everyone.. thats why I keep asking people for bumpers.
  9. LOL ^^^ I think I said the new camaro's were ugly last year... I better make sure I wasnt banned from LS1 tech
  10. I could see if you were talking about the forum itself... I'm going to start banning everyone that talks about anyone on this site on any other site. Update: Half of CR was just banned.
  11. Just get all UMI'd out like I did http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/SNC00067.jpg
  12. On my first pass I saw you at the water box.. I thought about positioning my car in a way that if I purged it would make your shirt fly up and show the world your hot six pack and perky man nipples. No homo...
  13. What!!!! You do realize my car runs 9's on a 300 shot. And if I hook the bottle directly to tb I could have a 1000 hp car for about 2 seconds before I shot out spark plugs and impaled 3 people in the front row. I'm just being nice... lol
  14. Yeah, it cut a 1.54.. or 1.56 (cant remember all I know is it was an even number) at kilkare on the radials when I used the trans brake.
  15. Bitch, come to the track and change my tires :bangbang:
  16. My tune is perfect... just need to stop racing the car in "street mode". Can only turn the spray up off the line so much with 17'' wheels ya know
  17. BTW :lol: :lol: :lol: Quadruple for the pure hilariousnessness
  18. I have to agree with the last two posts. I dont think I need to worry about a progressive 150 shot taking out anything. If you look at the last times Anthonys car seems to be hitting harder than my car does...
  19. Another oldie nws for language
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