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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. That was a fun race between us. Your reaction time was the difference.
  2. If you eat soap and drink a lot of water can you piss in the tub and make it a bubble bath?
  3. I think dyno Brian made more passes than you Paul finally lost his hotlapping crown
  4. I'll take your six inches chaos, and extend you 12
  5. Great track day, perfect weather, beautiful wedding... Thanks for everything! I want to also thank those that helped out along the way! I wish every track day was like this one!!!!!!
  6. Post your times here. I heard there were some new PB's out there
  7. We need to stop with the labels. Ultimately the republicans and democrats are both upper class citizens that act like they want to help people to put them in a position to fullfill their over powering need to be control freaks. The government year by year is taking more and more steps into the grave they are digging. It doesnt matter if it's a Republican or Democrat in the white house.. the end result is always a more fucked up America.
  8. Its so big that while having sex with your mom your midget cousin was still able to do pull ups on my shaft.
  9. Plus I have a very large penis
  10. Sorry for my late response.. I was out running times in my car that you only see from the stands.
  11. Looks like you are running out of forums to shit on...
  12. No, just dont show up at 5pm
  13. Yeah I was the second to last one teched in. I'll be up there around 9:15. Have to put the kids on the bus first.
  14. Then it would be a movie about how some no name won the popular vote but didnt make it into office starring Jim Carey.
  15. Then you are overqualified to drive my car and I will gladly let you destoy Paul. I am also in the market for a new car... remember my niceness when I am on your lot in January Look for this guy http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=112&pictureid=653
  16. I didnt vote for either.. I voted for some random guy on the list hoping that everyone would do it as well then make a true life story about how some no name became president of the US starring Bruce Willis.
  17. I didnt have any freedoms back then.. at that point I wasnt even the dinner that my grandfather ate to produce the sperm that made my dad that made me..
  18. Oh shit! Chris is talking mess so there is a 75% chance he's going to be there!!! I bet Chris will beat Paul while driving my car too... Without spray.
  19. Heres the deal.. Technology has allowed the government to see and hear more. The freedoms are going away because people keep inventing things that make it easier and easier to take them away without even trying. We could choose to live in a log cabin in the middle of a forest and be as free as people were in 1909... but instead we choose to get online, link ourselves to the world, live by credit scores, wierd laws, etc etc. Its what the worlds evolving too. People live in fear and the only way to not be afraid is to know whats going on at all times. If fear didnt control us then there would be no reason to give up freedoms or the goverment to try and take them. The more scared we become as a country the more we are going to give away...
  20. I'm part black... do you really think that is a good question to ask me?
  21. Sometimes you come across as someone that has a tin foil hat and a bomb shelter for when the aliens come to take over the planet. Calm down... the world will blow up or zombies will take over before Obama has a chance to strip us of all of our freedoms.
  22. If you are insured I shall hand you the keys and laugh as you beat Paul. And yes I am being 100% serious.
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