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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Cheap ass, get a dishwasher safe water bottle
  2. Its consumer reports.. they are all threads that could have been handled differently.
  3. Rolls eye smiley faces are just like fighting words
  4. 2 years.. adjustable Depends on how street friendly the rear springs will be. I know the eibachs in the rear made the car feel like complete crap.
  5. I'll probably just go stock. I dont trust the QAs for street use.
  6. A S S U M E Hopefully he apologized to you for not being able to do it and for having you wait.
  7. Yeah its the spring, everything else is fine. Springs are 3 years old and have had a lot of abuse... thank you Hilliard construction
  8. Yeah, I still run stockers in the back due to an incident with a bump in the road and my wife hitting here head on the t-top. The guy that installed them misplaced the stock front springs so I had to leave the eibachs on. Now the passenger side is sagging
  9. That would be kind of fun. We can get a feel for the different cam sizes while we are at it too. Fbody party!!!!!
  10. My eibachs are starting to sag. What springs are you running.. how do they feel on the street, how are they at the strip, etc?
  11. I think I'm suppose to go fishing with the father in law, but I'm free after that.
  12. It costs more to have a store to walk in to. Blockbuster tried to stay old school and it caught up with them. Hopefully they closed the stores so they could lower their prices and still survive. Think about how much netflix saves in employee salaries, electric bills, property costs, etc. Hell yes BB had to charge more, they had more bills to pay.
  13. I have the umi 3 point tubular sfc's and my exhaust hangs down an inch and a half lower than it does. Just have an f-body meet, drive a few of our cars around, look at the ground clearance etc, then make a list of what you want
  14. BB does the same thing netflix does. I've been doing it for a while now. Plain and simple people downloading shit for free all over does have a part in this. You cant argue that because its a fact.... The internet is killing blockbuster. Half the people get everything for free, the other half use netflix. Why pay for it when you can get it for free or for less than half the price. Not that its right or wrong, thats just the way the world is evolving.
  15. Nope, he's Kanye.. he would throw a fit like a little baby until people paid attention to him.
  16. Kayne was just googled 16 billion more times by old people, and people in other countries wondering who our president is calling a jackass.
  17. And in the end... Kanye wins! Instead of ignoring his ignorant act you are googling him, making/ finding photochops, talking about him, and making him more of a household name. If I were Kanye, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, or the VMA's I would say.. "Thank you to all the forums, tv shows, and social networking sites. You made millions of people that didnt watch the vma's, or listen to our music do just that. Now people that never knew who we are as artists know who we are. All of our stock just went up thanks to you. Please continue talking about this for as long as possible."
  18. Its because you dont need those things when you make $147k a year
  19. Ummm.. My joke here--> Your head here --> Stop taking everything at face value. Kanye is a douche!!!! He even knows what he did was wrong. If I could smack him without getting jumped by 7 body gaurds I would.
  20. What was wrong with what Kanye did? When I saw him grab the mic I was blown away that someone actually did what I was thinking!!! I am now officially a Kayne fan. White people make horrible music videos!
  21. Chis your car is not a street car. If its hot outside you will be hot.
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