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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. True, but its not being copied if people are over to watch it. Just as its not illegal to let a friend borrow a movie. Its the fact that you are copying material that is protected legally from being coppied.
  2. I have one good eagle f1, if you can find another one you can have this one for free.
  3. Mike Haze is right, stealing does not require physical removal. Lets say someone takes money from a bank. Then you transfer money from them to an account you own. You are just as guilty as they are if you knew the money was stolen. If you transfer something from someone knowing its illegal its stealing because all the material is copy right protected. If you use your friends lawnmower that would not be stealing becasue its not copyrighted...
  4. The major porn sites make money and pay through advertising so someone is still being paid for the material. Downloading a program and taking things from other computers is impacting the ecomony. Now that one person that paid for it is sharing it with 500 people the profits are minimal at best. Like stated the big stars dont need the money.. but the small ma and pop owned movie theaters and record stores do.
  5. So whats going to happen is instead of people saying.. "damn now I see why he's in charge that guy is bad ass with a rifle".. they will say is, "why in the fuck is he in charge of me? He couldnt shoot the broad side of a barn". Now I see why its a bad move. Not respecting the people giving you orders is bad.
  6. Thats the good thing about being in charge. You can duck, hide, and have the other men carry your stuff for you. We all know a lot of the higher ranking officers are there because they know people, and kiss ass.. not because they deserve it. If I'm wrong let me know but I've heard that story over 1000 times by everyone thats in the military. I hope its wrong, but thats why I never joined... I hate political bullshit.
  7. Whats the big deal? I thought the higher ranks just gave orders and didnt do any real work anyway.... Now instead of being able to shoot and kiss ass they can focus 100% on their ass kissing ability.
  8. After all that Aquatic Adventure removed the valve for $10. If anyone needs anthing done with a bottle just take it to them, This is the 3rd time they have helped me out with stupid bottle issues.
  9. I wont be able to do it until this weekend. I'm hoping for an o2 sensor or something minor.
  10. Thats why I hate the internet. Call me old school but if I want to see a midget shit on a bagel while singing the thong song I just pick up the yellow pages.
  11. Everyone give his plus rep and let him in. That will allow his winning fail to spread around the entire forum.
  12. If you would check the thread you would notice the posts with the pricing have been deleted. You have almost posted more times in this thread than him.... Calm down for Pets sake.
  13. Jason your going to be kicked from this thread if you keep it up. Its not a competition so just leave it alone.
  14. I will be if metlife doesnt get their shit together Disability FTMFL!!!!
  15. V8 Beast


    Or... Act like you are picking up dog poop and eating it. The kids dont have to know its chocolate and peanuts melted into a pile
  16. V8 Beast


    If it were me I would have dragged him home, took off my belt, then beat the parents with it.
  17. http://images.sportsbybrooks.com/b/e/bec9f83a47ce7c3a92ae697afdacb7a6_ohiostatefans.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/ohio_state_girls_are_sexy_tshirt-p235022941102899054tdh1_210.jpg
  18. http://www.porkdisco.com/blog/wp-content/ohiosucks.jpg
  19. I'm naked 37.3% of the time that I post on here... does that make anyone feel dirty? 138 views from a male dominated forum.. buncha fruit cakes
  20. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll update the post later this week if I need anymore help.
  21. Just for the record Anthony opened it then fondled my post.
  22. The contract is still in effect for 48 hours after selling it. Can you pencil me in for 3:30p tomorrow Ramsey just call ahead, thats the best way to go. And if all else fails do the chest pain thing and add in your leg as one of the symptoms.
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