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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. State law > federal law in that case
  2. Playboy as a pornstar Adam & Eve as a pornstar United Pimps of America in the HR department.
  3. <---------- That way is out. I went your way and ended up on page 2...
  4. Thanks to everyone that signed up. The event is up in the air now. If Anthony wants to save it he can, but its not looking good. Having 12 people for a car meet is ok, for a track event.. not so much. Even if we add in the possibles we are still under 20.
  5. I cant stand all of these new teknowlogeez!!! Thats why I pulled my cd player and installed an 8-track in my TA.
  6. Oh, and to those waiting for an iphone to come to verizon... You could probably finish a full contract and still have to wait before they get it. The two networks are so large and similar that you honestly cant tell the difference in populated areas like Columbus. By the time verizon gets it a better phone will be out and the iphone will be comparible to the razor of today. Get it while its cool.... or wait a few years and get it when everyone has them scattered all over their sock drawers and they are on sale on ebay for $50.... it's up to you. Inbeforetheymakeaniphone2exclusivetoattjustasverizongetsthefirstiphone
  7. I have to agree... it would be like paying a hooker for a hand job that didnt have any arms.
  8. Also, 4G is being blown way out of propertion by all wireless companies. It will make a lot of things easier and more customer friendly... but dont expect anything super duper special or you will be very dissapointed.
  9. There are already people with unlocked iphones on verizon. Its the broadband connection that would need to be changed to work on EVDO.
  10. Yeah, thats something you do as a group or with a long time friend. I vote your friend is crazy
  11. Hi, my car has an LS1 in it and my name is Brian. I have had my car with an LS1 in it for 7 years. During that time I have broketed it 76 times.
  12. I've actually had to deal with this before. One of the biggest problems is that you have a gun readily available if you are terminated, get pissed off, etc. Its suppose to make the work place safer, but in reality people are just hiding their guns. You are on company property the second you pull into the lot. The car belongs to you but it is sitting on their property. Its kind of like having a gun in your inside pocket when you walk into a building. Its in your pocket... but your pocket is on their property. Their rules cover every square inch of the land they are paying for. The only option available would be to park your car at your dads office. A company that allows guns will get destroyed if any of their employees go on a rampage. If they say you cant have guns and an employee goes crazy their hands are clean. Its all politics....
  13. Take friends keys while in club/bar --> drive car home with another person following --> ride back to bar/club --> put keys back in friends coat or jacket pocket --> Laugh ass off
  14. Did he go to the bar alone.. were any of his friends up there that knew where he lived??
  15. I could see people showing up to krogers and doing a drive by. All the witnesses would say is, "It was dark officer, it all happened so quickly.... I heard shots then all I saw was a bumper sticker that read Team Output."
  16. Just add another section called "Hell". Label the entire damn place with an NWS icon and have fun. You could do what ever you wanted all the time and not have to worry about getting infractions!!!! Um..... no. People couldnt handle it. I could see the PMs now... He said the n word, he posted nws (with an nws icon) and I opened it and got fired , he talked about my dead cat now I'm depressed If we did it we would have to change the name from Hell to crybabies gone wild in less than 2 weeks. I'd rather see people complain about mods for the next 25 years.
  17. Yes please. From the looks of it our stock will be running low very soon
  18. LOL @ all the people complaining about mods having bans and infractions under their belts for legit reasons. I'm starting to think we should hand out little violins with each infraction.
  19. Still have plenty of spots. I know we have to have 10 more people out there that dont mind driving 90 minutes to race.
  20. Will this make you say yes..... http://www.latenightwithjimmyfallon.com/Cock%20soup.jpg All the cock, none of the herding.. in one easy to open package.
  21. That Jones guy has class. I could definitely see him managing a team of lumberjacks...
  22. Yeah, definitely a cock herder...
  23. Yeah, if he did cut down trees he would have a dull pink axe.
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