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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'll try to help out, just let me know what you need and when.
  2. Threads about burnouts are gay
  3. East of 71 tornado warning
  4. I was answering his question, he's taken care of. Good luck with everything Tim!
  5. I've been through a battery a year thanks to trying to warm my bottle without the car running. Now that I think of it I probably killed my alternator while I was at it
  6. You should go. I had fun running 15's in my envoy. Your 12's or 13's would be fine.
  7. Worst fake banned member ever. On the other hand if we really do ban you no one will know.... hmmmmmm
  8. Tim you would have to be a sponsor for this. Contact Spaceghost and he'll help you out.
  9. On a side note Greg did a great job with the water box at the last event.
  10. He has one in there. Hey Brian, are you going to have the bike dyno in action tonight?
  11. I've banned him a few times... you should try it, its almost as much fun as banning Phil I hate you for taking the high road, I wanted to e-battle!!!!!!!
  12. And what you did didnt allow the people of the board to make the decision. People call this site names all the time, you havent banned them. Hal has openly said he doent like you or the board.. where was your ban stick then??? Stop picking on newbs... BTW, if this guys does anything worth positive repping I will give him the rep and tell the rest of you to suck a fat one... until then he can sit in the red. Edit, he's at -17 Its going to take a lot of work at this point.
  13. Its an NOS bottle heater. I'll put it up for sale after I get the new one. Note: You will need wiring, I have to keep the wiring in case I'm in a area where there is no ac outlet and have to hook it up to the car.
  14. I've put more miles on the TA than I have in the stratus. Does that mean its not a daily driver either? Granted my drive to work isnt 50 miles like some people, but I have over 25k miles on these pads, and over 100 passes at the track. If that isnt enought to know how they perform then what is?
  15. No hes still in the negative with rep and has a pretty big hole to climb out of. Pics would be a good start to getting out of that hole.. hint hint..
  16. V8 Beast

    DJ Needed

    I vote no to that. I would rather hear pop or oldies... A good DJ plays the top 100 and mixes in a few songs that everyone knows and loves. This way its not one type of music. To be honest if I had to hear country all day I would leave.. I know some of you would feel the same about hip hip. The guy at Advance last year played oldies the entire time and annoyed the heck out of us.
  17. So who decided this was a great way to make us close the borders? For this stuff to just "pop up" is fishy.... I choose germ warfare for $100 Alex.
  18. You would get infracted if you added it anyway. The one you have about as far as you want to go with the boobage. Want to play rainbow 6.. I'm bored...
  19. Note: dont try to make sense of what I do... Not making sense is what I do
  20. Yes it is, I just have 3 cars to choose from. All of my cars have between 30 and 40k miles... One just gets driven a little bit harder and has to stop from higher speeds.
  21. Ive been running them for three years with no complaints (same pads.. swapping them out next month). I only clean my wheels about once a month. I'm running them with slotted brembos.
  22. Like totally. I like took the time to read into it and I'm like its the flu. I'm like more worried about my 50lbs daughter than like I am about myself.
  23. Lets try this again.. Ghost and I decided to give him another chance. New guy... Remember, the members determine if you make it out of the oven.
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