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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Seeing that first link then Spaceghosts response made this thread epic! What gets me is how there is so much panic when like a couple of people have it. Somebody sneezed at work today and like 60 people looked at her like an escaped ebola monkey. Am I wrong in saying most people die from the flu because of other medical issues, age, or ignore it until its too late?
  2. Nope hospital visits would take too long. Thanks for nothing!!! BTW OFF TOPIC AND PROBABLY SHOULD BE A PM BUT IM LAZY!!! the trans am guy you banned wants back on. He thought he was just being hard ass like he was suppose to when joining here.
  3. Im gonna have to consider that... Edit: Nope, costs too much.
  4. I just run on 3quarters tank of gas (true tory )
  5. I never really liked the torch idea. Open flame vs aluminum My last bottle had to be condemned and was about 3-10 good fills from bursting. The guy asked me if I was heating it with a flame... Win.. So who wants to buy my bottle heater for $75
  6. Im calling you.. repeatedly... until you answer.. if you turn off your phone.. I'm knocking on your door... if you call the cops... I will go to jail. That should kill 3 hours
  7. Saying there will be no CR on Saturday night is like being told Popeyes doesnt have chicken.... its just not right!
  8. I was about to cuss you out and say leave Dan alone... then I realized that it was you and the lols happened
  9. LOL! Everytime I have posted "no" for the last 2 weeks someone has quoted it Scott I'm helping my mom move, sorry bromango
  10. You are all gay sheep fuckers... Except Erik, he's a heterosexual sheep fucker I so want to go to a meet with a belt and beat some of you lames like your parents obviously didnt.
  11. What options are available for heating nitrous bottles without draining my cars battery? I cant seem to find anything that can be plugged into an outlet other than battery warmers...
  12. check this out... http://bloodbanker.com/plasma/centers/category/columbus/ Put in your zip code and it will give you a location close to where you live. Have you ever given plasma before?
  13. Me against you? Edit: Shit! I have to help my mom move.. if we are done by then I'll definitely be out.
  14. I tried youtube and got the same quality.. plus they take like 10hours to post sometimes.
  15. Like I said in the last thread not the best quality (or location), but here ya go.... http://s490.photobucket.com/albums/rr267/CRTrackDays/Trails%204-24-09/
  16. Call it the hook, line, and sinker???
  17. Yeah its her, shes been popping up a lot lately.
  18. He gets all kinds of respect for building a fast car, and we know mistakes happen so he is allowed to go to all track events and everything. He just needs to stop thinking everyone is against him. We have moved on to hating Spaceghost..... again BTW.... fast2gfwd, I was joking around like I do with everyone on the board. Dont take my last post too seriously.
  19. I would hope so.. with plexy glass windows and shaved pubes for wind resistance he should be the fastest evarrrrrrr!! We all gave him props at the track when we were watching him run... then he said go go gadget oil slick just before becoming an e-thug. I really dont think the mustang guy meant anything by his post.
  20. I'm uploading 27 videos right now. Wife didnt do the best job with the video camera, but I'll post them anyway.
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