My 2 cents on this great thread:
Opinions are like assholes and this thread has shit stains.
Dwiggs must be very bored or care about others opinions because he keeps coming back.
Dwiggs has foot in mouth syndrome.
This thread is full of grown people that should have better things to do that repeat the same fucking things over and over again.
It is not ok for Dwiggs to be optimistic about what his car can do, but its ok to say what it will never do. Being psychic is only acceptable if you are not dwiggs. Odds are against him but Ive seen so many people on this site eat crow that I've stopped betting.
Its ok to misspell words and look like an idiot as long as you are not dwiggs. Since he has money he should be a genius.
People hate him because he inherited money and didnt "work" for it. Nobody likes trust fund babies.
Winter threads in the middle of the racing season are stupid.
Dwiggs should be better.
This is the worst display of battling I have ever seen since I joined cr. No death blows anywhere... Just jab after jab with plenty of time to recover.
Moderating this is like watching paint dry.
This thread will probably reach 60 pages and Gabe will bump it two months after it dies.
Note: I dont expect anyone to care about what I say or even respond. I figured since everyone else is dumping trash in here I would contribute. Im just surprised he drives a lambo and not an 02 cougar....