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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. My 2 cents on this great thread: Opinions are like assholes and this thread has shit stains. Dwiggs must be very bored or care about others opinions because he keeps coming back. Dwiggs has foot in mouth syndrome. This thread is full of grown people that should have better things to do that repeat the same fucking things over and over again. It is not ok for Dwiggs to be optimistic about what his car can do, but its ok to say what it will never do. Being psychic is only acceptable if you are not dwiggs. Odds are against him but Ive seen so many people on this site eat crow that I've stopped betting. Its ok to misspell words and look like an idiot as long as you are not dwiggs. Since he has money he should be a genius. People hate him because he inherited money and didnt "work" for it. Nobody likes trust fund babies. Winter threads in the middle of the racing season are stupid. Dwiggs should be better. This is the worst display of battling I have ever seen since I joined cr. No death blows anywhere... Just jab after jab with plenty of time to recover. Moderating this is like watching paint dry. This thread will probably reach 60 pages and Gabe will bump it two months after it dies. Note: I dont expect anyone to care about what I say or even respond. I figured since everyone else is dumping trash in here I would contribute. Im just surprised he drives a lambo and not an 02 cougar....
  2. V8 Beast

    WTB: 4L60E

    How much do you want to spend? I have a Rossler terminator 3 with a transbrake. Im about to demod my car.
  3. I think his father (J.R. Ewing) struck oil back when they lived in Dallas.
  4. All I got is this guy is the new Cavin. Half the site is filled with people that mess up and do dumb stuff.. but messing up with a lambo makes that stuff worth almost 50 pages of saying money cant make you not be dumb.
  5. V8 Beast

    CR Golfers

    Im using some used Golden Bear clubs I got from Play it again sports for $40 . My goal is to beat my father in law who has played for 40 years within my first year of playing. Based on my progress hes going to get beat around September. Along the way my son has gotten pretty good so its been some good father son time as well.
  6. Very helpful thread. Thanks to everyone contributing!
  7. The stories about dwiggs are featured in more detail at: http://www.grownmengossipinglikewomen.org http://www.richpeopleproblems.com
  8. V8 Beast


    http://topnews.in/usa/files/alcohol-bottles.jpg + http://dubstepage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/dubstep.jpg = http://data.whicdn.com/images/20611899/1325011068677_large.gif
  9. V8 Beast


    http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh574/pwoodland1/6a29a2e1.jpg http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/dancing/tumblr_ljhxqfJwB71qhisruo1_500.gif
  10. V8 Beast


    ... for party rockin! http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh574/pwoodland1/bbd024b1.jpg http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0y7xegI801r3uj54o1_500.gif
  11. I see Lebron is the new Kobe. I loved rubbing in every championship in the haters faces. I hope Miami fans get a chance to do the same some day while Lebron and Wade are there.
  12. V8 Beast


    So basically you are threatening me.. good to know.
  13. V8 Beast


    If I tell you Im going to kick your ass but I dont have legs is that a threat?
  14. V8 Beast


    If a threat is made and no one is around to hear it does the tree make a sound?
  15. Typing on this phone is like trying to pick your nose with no fingers. Im just going to lurk until I get back to my laptop.
  16. My childhood Fall on a piece of glass. I could see the bone in my forearm after my mom took it out. No stitches or hospital... Just peroxide and a bandaid. Brother gets stung by a swarm of wasps. Mom puts mud all over him. Gives him a pepsi and says stay the hell away from the nest. Brother gets his heel stuck in the back of a 10 speed. Dad wraps it up and puts him back on the bike. Etc etc etc. p.s. I strongly disagree that spanking your kids is never needed. We dont pick what works on them, they do. I laugh my butt off at some of these parents being abused by their kids. They know nothing will happen to them outside of a visit to the corner or losing a toy. My favorite is when they tell the kid if they stop they will buy them something I dont believe in spanking as the first option... but if your kid doesnt respond to anything else dont let them end up in jail because you dont think spankings will work. I do think its blindly used in a lot of cases and does more harm than good. I also think the " it worked on me" mind set is wrong because your kids are not you. If all else fails sometimes they need to see that there can be physically painful outcomes to bad behaviour.
  17. Booster seat plus seatbelt = legal based on Ohio laws (assuming the kid is big enough for booster seats). They suggest you put them in the back seat, but thats because of the airbag deployment direction.
  18. This thread is stupid!!!! Use your cell phones more please.
  19. Keyboard battles occur from a safe location. I've only had to deal with wanna be thugs once in my own bedroom.. and I was role playing...
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