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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Whats meant by stock suspension?
  2. Do you mean start doing construction on every damn road in Hilliard causing my insurance rates to go up and making my drive (no matter what direction I go) shitty season?
  3. Having all of your own tools and equipment makes it 100x easier.
  4. We still have pleanty of spots, come on you last minuters!!! BTW... If there is anyone that doesnt have paypal and wants to attend shoot me a pm. I can help you out.
  5. I know a lot of people that would give you $30 just to show up for 10 minutes and point them in the right direction. $45 is more than fair.
  6. 6/27/09 Mark the day on your calender. I will give you all more information after the Trails event.
  7. How much would you charge for a typical 30 minute service call?
  8. Yeah, get a set fee and tell people to have cash in hand. Thats a few hundred a month I'm guessing that your missing. If I took my car to a dealership they would charge me $75 just for asking how much the work would cost ..
  9. Ive been playing 1, 2, and 3 for the past year... I'm good for it
  10. I'm taking my son to see it Friday. Afterwards i will buy the bootleg DVD and let it play in the back of my truck at every meet for the rest of the year.
  11. And for the record Ben and I are both assholes. This is why we fight constantly then laugh about it. I'm going to close this thread since its way off track and wait for Spacetoast to respond in the morning. If his repsponse is of epic proportions we will have a mod admin death match in a closed thread arena!!!!!! Stay tuned boys and girls.....
  12. If you only knew the entire story.
  13. We are wayyyyyyyyyy off topic. Did the op get their advice?
  14. Not when its with Ben, thats a waste of time.
  15. I havnt let in anyone since the gtp guy. I check their rep before I do anything. I actually kept your girl below 10 until a pic was posted (j/k) And I can rep who ever I want however I want. If anyone doesnt like it meet me at the Lodge bar.
  16. What if I said I video taped it and was laughing the entire time
  17. With all these emos on here you'd be surprised. Whats funny is when I gave that guy rep he was only at 8. The guy has never been above 10 which means someone else put him through. I wonder if Ben has enough access to see who actually did it. Edit: Just checked and I gave the newb rep on 3/29.. he got on the board on 4/3...
  18. I apologize to anyone that had their rep info shown that wanted to stay anonymous. Theres a reason why it is set up the way it is and it wont happen again.
  19. will address in a not so public manner....
  20. http://condodomain.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/chicago-mls-jail.jpg
  21. You poured 15 ounces of my gas on the ground... we're even
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