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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Yup, No updates, just sent another email telling him to change the date to the 27th or the 11th of July. I'll give him a week then I'm blowing his phone up.
  2. I'm drinking water with my antibiotics Being sick ftmfl!!!!!
  3. Where are the pics from the dyno day?
  4. But based on the gm following we have here we should have a convoy of at least 100 cars going
  5. The Roby GM Car Show is June 20th which means the DWay42 event will not be June 20th.
  6. The date is on the underside of the first pic
  7. So.... who left the beer in front of my house?
  8. V8 Beast

    new ls1

    A ban is in order!!!!
  9. V8 Beast

    new ls1

    WTF do you mean "You people" Racist camaro driving racist person. Next time I see you I'm not going to not hurt you.
  10. Fixed your post for you
  11. Its not a repost, its a refap
  12. V8 Beast

    new ls1

    I'm taking your name after this fail fest is over.
  13. I know they are only human, but if I was making that much money I wouldnt be doing stupid stuff like that. People get arrested for dumb things everyday, but they dont risk losing their dream jobs like these idiots.
  14. Or am I... http://www.globalpov.com/images/dr_evil_1.jpg
  15. Both of my best na ands on spray were on drag radials. My best pass ever I drove up to the track with Anthony and drove it home... There will be skinnies and slicks in the mix this year. Should be lots of fun
  16. Mid 10's already??? .. Oh wait, I remember what you were shooting for with the 302 over the winter.... Single digits already?
  17. Considering I have one of the best times in this thread, and have a better time than most on my nitrous (419hp) tune.... I think not.
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