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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Cant say i have ever had sex with a fence
  2. U aint neva lied! :fuckyeah: Happy customer http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4KFChJVuJhYK8MYyty-NVFKw8hrjvAKwJWjM9Pw6_z0kyJy4h3AVABwzRCA Looks like this one has a noodle on her forehead
  3. Aww$heet loves to talk about asses and anything that comes from them. He could tell you how to do everything from make facial masks out of fecal matter, to a nice topping for yogurt using ass hair. Some people are just gay and like ass.. he takes his level of gay to a point so far that he walks around with a vibrator up his ass and a half of cock hidden in his wind pipe.
  4. Sleeping on the job... you must work for the government
  5. Polymer vs metal. No issues with accuracy here. OP, post up after you test it.
  6. Leave you in my dust, pigpen
  7. I win! You will be thinking about me all day while doing the sleepy head jerk. the 30 was a number I just tossed out. Its going to take longer than we are alive to pay this thing off. The point is we need to start moving it instead of adding to it. Giving a penny is 101% better than taking a dollar.
  8. Bitter sweet... Could you imagine him as a defensive coord/coach! I see him as the kind of coach that wears pads to practice.
  9. Ben!!!! I hate how you troll me and run. I feel like a dirty hooker that didnt get paid.
  10. I know a few places online I can buy bulk with a nice discount. It would be a little cheaper than buying 45 ammo.
  11. You do know the definition of dent.. right? :dumb: I saved you some time.. an appreciable effect, esp of lessening The point of that was to say people seem to act like the debt is a great reason to vote or not to vote for a person ... but nobody does anything but complain. Somehow the logic is to hand people millions for so they can tell other people how they will better manage money. last I checked you eat an elephant one bite at a time.
  12. Bridezilla Tina Trish Diana Z girl that logged in to update her wedding pictures And 10 various CR wives that only log in to spy on us.
  13. Update... no purchase yet. Found an FN P90 at a steal of a price An FN 5.7 handgun has been on my list for a while and I found a good price Desert Eagle is still calling me and I found one locally at normal price Im all over the place . Of the 3 the P90 is the cheapest. I may have to jump on it for the simple fact that if I dont like it I can profit off of it.
  14. I have one. One of my favorite guns. Like
  15. The sad part is they were smarter than 75.6% of breathing voters.
  16. I never gave a fuck, abstinent
  17. They just don't get it.. keep-away
  18. You know this, memorized
  19. Phil keeps coming back to CR like its an addiction. I'm telling you the truth... non fiction While Gabe is cock blocking like nappy pussy hairs. You aint on my level so step your game up... stairs Spitt Barz Krew 2012
  20. Go for the part of the body you are less likely to miss. We don't need a bystander killed from a ricochet because a cop aimed for an arm or leg. The officers will have very little issues with this other than the initial report doesn't 100% match the video.
  21. Technically he is a Brown.. if only they didn't move
  22. If you are in this thread and made sense you have no place in politics.. If you made a post that didn't add value but made people smile you may be a president some day. If you made a post that didn't make people laugh or contribute you are American.
  23. Other cop was an idiot for taking his eyes off the guy
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