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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Now I like it even more Master Chief FTW!
  2. Appreciated my 5.7 bff Definitely. The thing I love about it most is it feels like a pistol around corners. I was running through some what if scenarios in my house and no rifle I have is as quick to get around a corner and site in a target. That light switch didnt have a chance Did you get that off the internet or are you speaking from experience? I ask because I read a lot of negative stuff online, but positive from people that actually own them. My time with it is limited but it grouped fine for me after I adjusted the red dot sight. There is a half inch peice of plastic over the dust cover for protection Im guessing, and the trigger is crisp and consistent. After reading what I did I may have been expecting it to be so crappy that everything went better than expected. I'll be able to give a real review in a month or so.. but for now the stuff thats online seems off. I do however thank them because I think thats how I got it for a low price. I'm thinking about doing something like this if I plan to keep it. The one thing I dont like is how cheap the plastic feels. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n32/qbertquartz2/dsc00979c.jpg
  3. I agreed until I shot it. I dont mind the cost now... but yeah, its basically a dangerous toy.
  4. Fastest sale ever You have dibs Other fun toy http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/407298_3292501634660_1331350881_3466960_1872957736_n.jpg More expensive to shoot, but feels great, accurate, and very light. This is my favorite gun to shoot now by far.
  5. When I sell it it will be for around $400
  6. Yeah, its like trying to have sex with a woman that has her vagina on her elbow. I got the ps90 also... I probably would have liked this more if I wasnt alternating with that.
  7. Pros -Cheap to shoot (5.45x39mm ammo) -Can sell it for less than retail and still make a few hundred in profit (this was one of those "are you really selling it to me at that price" kind of things) -Can use a lot of AK accessories so parts for it are pretty easy to find. -Fun to shoot Cons Feels weird at first, Will take getting used to. Will post up any other issues I find. AK74 Bullpup http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0148.jpg
  8. 33k miles, car made in 2001... only 1 oil change :fuckyeah:
  9. BRB making a rail mounted mini chain saw for teh zombie rifle. Billionaire status pending
  10. If it makes you feel better my keyboard is covered in malt liquor.
  11. V8 Beast

    Hey Dover

    If I had kettlecorn in my ass crack and your hands were tied behind your back what would you do? A) Dive in nose first and enjoy the flavor B) Kick it out with your feet and eat off the ground C) Do nothing D) Wonder why you are tied up in a room with a naked guy that has popcorn shoved up his ass
  12. Nevermind I was able to finally read it. A lot of words to say apps crash.
  13. By crash to you mean force closing software, power cycling the phone, or entire device needs wiped or resynced with itunes?
  14. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/377843_345241255504839_120346177994349_1292451_207946426_n.jpg
  15. V8 Beast

    Hey Dover

    Me, Phil, Steve, Dover, that's all I got.
  16. If you guys want to race in real life we have a special section for that. Its free of trolls and the only way to gain access is attending 5 CR track days. To remain a member you have to participate in 2 per year after that.
  17. Are the CR police officers allowed to participate?
  18. You guys better hurry up and make the gubment believe you.. elections coming soon. Last guys that tried obviously failed.
  19. V8 Beast


    I have never seen the movie you all are talking about, but for what its worth I think its a great film.
  20. V8 Beast

    Hey Dover

    I'll hold you up No homo
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