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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. LOL! - Youre going too fast -Huh? I have a roll bar, jacket.. -Its not enough -Not enough? What am I missing? -Neck roll and stuff -What kind of stuff? -Lots of things -Like what? -Lots of things.... -Umm.. ok Waggz, hows the transmission holding up?
  2. 10.86 at 126. Learned a lot about my new set up.
  3. Thanks to all of you that supported the event! It was definitely a fun day!!!
  4. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-10-07163326.jpg
  5. Senior spots are full. Anyone contacting me after this point is paying $35. If you sent me a pm or called me you have a senior spot. Next time dont wait so long people. If you are on the fence or planning on going let me know ahead of time. I have like 50 extra people trying to go after registration closed
  6. Im feeling lazy so copy and pasted. Left the cars on there for non seniors. P.S. dont wear shorts, check for leaks, check your brakes, check tire pressure on your tow cars, etc..The earlier you start the more sleep you will get.
  7. Finalized list will be up at 12am tonight when the registration goes offline.
  8. Is there anyone out west that sells leaded race gas?
  9. Just be glad he didnt go prone in the bushes across the street and take the bastard out on his way to school.
  10. Dont apologize, we just need to find a day before the 23rd so we can go over things together.
  11. We need to get everyone together just one time before dropping $900 into fees and uniforms. What time works for you guys next week?
  12. Please only post pics of supermodels or in shape naked women going forward. This is CR ya know. /infraction
  13. Its not the time. They are closed now so I cant ask... plus we havent registered yet.
  14. Im going up there tomorrow and see if they will let me play QB. At this point they might actually say yes.
  15. 3pm Sunday. Meet in front of the field sports building again.. may be outside the entire time so bring cleets and shoes just in case. Sending text also. Dress warm ladies
  16. I use my computer to troll CR, set up events, and watch low quality porn when my wife has a headache.
  17. The specs are similar to the one I just broke. Thanks! P.S. I was going to replace the cracked display but its 150-200 for me to install. For that price I can get a used one and transfer the hard drive.
  18. My compaq was a victim of gravity. What should I be looking for in price and features for a new or slightly used laptop? My current one is a compaq presario nq50 (or something like that).. dual core, 15inch screeen, worked great for what I needed it for. I wouldnt mind a bigger screen, but thats about it. Help a bruva out so I dont get raped trying to buy a new laptop.
  19. As big as your 1 was last year it was technically an 11 anyway Staying with Quick 6ers or are we going by Roosters because of the sponsorship?
  20. Brandon, can you get ahold of A few shirts so we can check out sizes this weekend? M L XL XXL?
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