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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. The part in the other thread that caught my attention was saying this site is part of the reason it happened because we are pro street racing.. that and you wish the people involved would die. P.S. You have called me a child and uneducated so you fit in pretty well here with the name calling. See why I dont ebattle, I dont have to as we are a community. As with every community you will have many types. When you try to put yourself above the community the community turns on you. This threads purpose was to assure that your ignorance was addressed. That has been done on a few levels. As I said before, you have a good point/opinion. Just avoid sticking made up facts to those opinions. Im done here and will probably be up at Sawmill next week, if I can find a break in my busy schedule, to do a public service announcement. If you are there I would be more than happy to continue this conversation in person as I prefer to talk over typing. Yes this could have been done in pm, but Im a fan of tough love.
  2. PBCAK error. IT is working on it as we speak.
  3. Dont get me wrong, he has a right to his opinion... its the blaming it on CR thats got my panties in a bunch. Edit: All I can do is shake my head. You ignored countless posts to post more bullshit. What makes you normal is you say its bad, not special... not that you are going to read or comprehend anything anyone else posts. Since you have a problem with me go ahead and read Tims posts (pdqgp) in this thread up the page a little. Oh wait, you dont have time for that :dumb:
  4. :lolguy: I heart you thissssssssss much!
  5. Hey CR, how does V8 Beast feel about street racing?
  6. That was pretty weak. I waited 5 minutes for a jab at my education and you to tell me (the most adamant person against street racing on this site) that I protect street racers. So you dont have any speeding tickets? You always drive 65mph? P.S. we have very active auto x and drifters here too. Maybe if you would have read into the site you would have know that too. Im not pwning a newb. If you had an education yourself I told you not to try and ebattle me because its not my style. Instead of reading and learning about this site you said you had better things to do... but haven't left. I would have to assume you dont have anything better to do. Am I right? If so read a couple of threads and stop making yourself look stupid. We have had a lot of people start off like this and become active loyal members. Drag racing is boring to a lot of us, that why we have so many other events that our members join in on.. Hell Cordell just got a fucking miata to replace his 600hp camaro.
  7. Get your logic out of here.. He's typing an epic response and we should all be waiting for the greatness to grace our screens.
  8. 1) Setting up races on this site is a bannable offense 2 )Thread was deleted for very good reason. If you were more than a waste of space I would probably even tell you why. If it was hidden then this thread wouldnt be here as everything would have been "swept under the rug". 3)If you need a reminder then search the countless threads made before you put those 3 letters together and hit register. 4)WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?????
  9. I asked you to not play billy bad ass. You have a "sports car" so I can assume you have fun with it from time to time and go above the speed limit. This makes you no better then those you look down your nose at. If you do the speed limit everywhere you go then I commend you and have no room to talk.. but the chances of that are slim. Every time you speed because you are late to work you are racing the clock and in a way street racing. Every time you test out the down force of your awesome spoiler on a turn you are doing something illegal. If you do not choose to partake in CRs legal actions as a way to get people from doing illegal actions then you are a worthless piece of complaining shit with no room to talk. Now if you want to participate in cars and coffee, track events, or any other place that doesn't have the 30 people here that street race maybe you wouldn't be as worthless. With that said you can go ahead and log out forever. I dont want to ban you, I want your lame ass to leave... Get the fuck off my lawn! Beyond that all I can say is I hope you climb back up your moms vagina and pray the world gives us a refund for your existence.
  10. Side note.. the security at my place of employment let Phil walk right in. With all the times I have banned him its good to know he can walk right in and find me at the only time of the day when I cant carry my gun...
  11. Yes, we cant control the past, but there are higher powers that make it to where we have no choice but to delete things at times... and that is also the reason why we are not talking about it. After everything is said and done if the parties involved want to talk they can. Until then we have to stay out of it... if you get what Im saying. Jones has been given his cape and tights back. Phil will be banned soon for the 75th time.
  12. Time to google where this stuff is on the aviator. Thanks, if I cant fix it with bleach I'll call you for the samples Craig.
  13. Jones has lost his cape and tights for 60 minutes as punishment for his sins.
  14. I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loss of mod powers for 1 hour since I cant infract you!
  15. Ninja edit failed... I was being mean and apologize.
  16. Please read before you post.. all you need to know is below and has already been posted. The rest you either do or dont know, its not my place to say. This thread is about street racing and our stance on it here, not the other thread.
  17. You have been on my forum (yes I said my forum because I love it so much that I just spread my ass cheeks for Anthony in order to claim 2% ownership.. and I think I'm pregnant) for a very short time and make some very large accusations. Don't ever try to disrespect the entire forum again or me by tying my name into things that I or most of the people here do not believe in. If there is one thing Im against its street racing. For those who are a little confused, this guy said that our entire site loves street racing and no one does anything to stop it. The newb has no clue about the rules against it, the people that have been banned, etc.. etc. Don't ask about the other thread as its been deleted for a reason. Just needed to post up a quick message about street racing. Here's the thing... If you had signed up for my track day, or helped promote it in any way I would have considered you a participating member. I know everyone cant make it but there are plenty of people buying spots anyway, linking it on other websites, and doing their part to give racers a legal alternative. You are just another person on a self made wooden high horse that I am more than glad to set on fire. If you want to be an upstanding citizen then do like I do and lead by example. Give other people an outlet to avoid illegal activity instead of just typing. Take hours out of your day to plan something constructive instead of 20 seconds typing accusations. Anyone can bitch, real men do something about it... Im not going to ban or delete you because you are new and dont know much of our history. However I do challenge you to do some investigating into the past of this site before making blanket statements. I also want to let you know in advance that playing billy bad ass (as you have done often in your short past here)in this situation probably isn't the best thing for you. Just use this to open your eyes and think a little more before you type. You are on a racing forum with adults that are responsible for their own actions. Columbus Racing, as with all other sites in the world, will have people posting about things they shouldnt. We moderate it and try to give guidance, but as adults we are not in a position to control what they choose to or not to do. If its already done and after the fact deleting it or throwing fits (as we used to) isnt going to go back in time and stop it from happening. If anything hopefully this thread gets more people to sign up for the track day on 10/7 http://cr-earlyfall11nonseniors.eventbrite.com
  18. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/thats_gay1-1.jpg
  19. Be up at sawmill at 10. Ill get you wet...
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