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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Be Ohio states defence.. do the offenses job for them
  2. V8 Beast


    If you ever see me run from unarmed women and grab a weapon feel free to cut off my penis and donate it to charity.
  3. No clue Damn if they dont stop being idiots on offense!!!! Why switch to a cold back!!!!! We have the worst coaches in crunch time ..... ok, now Im complaining
  4. 15 play drive goes in osu's favor... granted a fg would have been better. They ran out half the quarter down by 3 scores. 3 minutes of good offense and we win. IL isnt looking like a 1 play threat.
  5. I dont see it. Thats just a ranked team finally looking like a ranked team.... well kinda
  6. V8 Beast


    Why does a man need a weapon to fight women?
  7. We have to have one for landscaping and what not, but I have to agree. I was just talking to my neighbors and from the sounds of it they put more work into collecting money than they do to earn it. I have a neighbor that hasnt taken his trash can from the curb in 2 months and another thats grass was 2 feet high all summer (I ended up cutting it and cussing the guy out). A few neighbors made calls but nothing happened... worthless.
  8. Do you by chance have that go pro vid from the track day? Im curious to see what it looks like.
  9. Does anyone have one that actually does their job? We are on our third in 5 years and they all suck. Dont regularly check the area, dont quality check the work of the contractors they hire, dont act when neighbors report problems, etc. If you have one that does more than collect checks please post their name. Thank you.
  10. How hard would this be to swap into my aviator?
  11. Shotgun! Well, as long as the passenger seat doesnt fall into the weight reduction catagory.
  12. I hate you so much that I think Im In love
  13. Its all fun...but you did make me read over it like 5000 times to see if I messed up on my explanation
  14. Up up down down left right left right b a
  15. Im on jegs and trying to put together a list of parts I need for the install. Can anyone streamline things and post a quick list so I dont buy things I dont need? Also, Some drill new while others use the existing bolt from the stock seatbelt. Whats the right way to do it?
  16. A vote for me is a vote for hookers and blow.
  17. WHAT IF WONDER WOMAN You're reading my post wrong princess. 5 isnt the answer, its the question. Im pretty sure we are saying the exact same thing.
  18. Not if 5 in intself is its own formula thats formatted in a way to reflect different values based on whats entered. I have similar ones Ive had to make for work over the years.
  19. So you are saying is you want 5 to be red for all the cells associated with it and have them all turn blue if you change the 5 to 4? Is the value of the associated cells going to change as well or just the primary source(5)?
  20. I would make prostitution and drugs legal. People would be happy and fixing the economy at the same time. By the time they had to deal with rehab and the widespread herpe outbreak I would be out of office like a bauce!
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